Erstellt von Jaimie Shah
vor etwa 11 Jahre
possible PE findings in different causes of anemia
anemia dx tests
patient has blood loss and elevated plt count what type of anemia does he have
Patient has hx of RA, ESRD and other chronic infection what type of anemia does he have
patient has very small MCV with few or no symps and target cells on smear, what type of anemia does he have
patient has hx of ETOH, INH or lead exposure what type of anemia does he have
labs for Fe def aneima
iron studies in ACD
thalassemia iron studies
sideroblastic aneima iron studies
most accurate test for thalassemia
most accurate test for sideroblastic aneima
tx Fe def anemia
tx ACD anemia
Tx of thalassemia
tx of sideroblastic anemia
Most accurate dx test of alpha thal is?
will ferrous supplement give you a false positive FOBT?
what type of anemia has an elevated RDW?
what does the prussian blue stain show us?
what is HgH?
when is colonoscopy indicated with anemia?
microcytic anemia with high retic count?
Can you see extravascular hemolysis on the perph smear?
what medication blocks B12 abs?
Dx test for macrocytic aneima?
most accurate test for macrocytic aneima
what do you order to confirm etiology of B12 def
what electrolyte do you need to replace with B12 def tx
Dx test findings just for hemolysis in general
what is in intravascular hemolysis spp?
for SCC anemia do complete PE and if after tx still has fever repeat PE---findings on exam include?
tx of sickle cell crisis
when do you do exchange transfusion in sickle cell crisis
sudden drop in Hct and retic count in sickle cell patient or one with hemoglobinopathy?
what does parvo do to effect RBC
what do you send a sickle cell patient home on
Hemoglobin SC disease
Sickle cell trait (AS/AC)
clues patient has autoimmune Hemolysis
Dx tests for autoimmune hemolysis
warm antibodies causes hemolysis what is tx
Cold agglutinins
Agents that can cause G6PD exacerbation
dx test for G6PD def
tx G6PD def
Pyruvate Kinase def note
Presentation of Hereditary Spherocytosis
Dx and tx of hereditary spherocytosis
HUS triad
TTP pentad
tx of TTP and HUS
Presentation with PNH
Dx testing for PNH
tx of PNH
difference between DIC and HELLP syndrome
Methemoglobinemia presentation
TRALI presentation
IGA def and transfusions
ABO incompatibility
Minor blood group incompatibility
Febrile nonhemolytic reaction to transfusion
Leukemia presentation
Dx testing for leukemia
What disease do you see Auer rods?
tx of leukemia
What disease is APML associated with?
what do you do if there is acute leukocytosis in leukemia that block BV in brain to cause neuro symps?
Myelodysplasia basics
tx myelodysplasia
CML presentations
Dx of CML
tx of CML
Busulfan SE
CLL presentation
CLL dx
CLL tx
Hairy cell leukemia basics
Polycythemia vera presentation
Dx polycythemia vera
tx of P vera
essential thrombocytopenia basics
what cells do you get from the myeloid lineage hence the myeloproliferative d/o
cells that come from lypmphoid precurrsors
common causes of death in MM
Dx test of MM
Tx of MM
Waldenstrom's presentation
Waldenstrom's dx and tx
aplastic anemia basics
b symptoms of lymphoma
lymphoma presentation
Dx testing of Lymphoma
lymphoma presentation stage
staging test in lymphoma
tx of lymphoma
VWD presentation
labs of VWD
tx of VWD
S/S of a platelet d/o
s/s of factor def bleed
ITP presentation and dx
what is the most important thing to do when you think you have ITP on hx?
tx of ITP
tx of uremia induced plt dys
Mixing study
factor 8 def
factor 9 def
factor 11 def
factor 12 def
HIT presentation
HIT dx and tx
Lupus anticoagulant/anticardiolipin abs basics
Protein C def basics
factor 5 leiden mutation basics
Antithrombin def basics