Erstellt von newagesteel16
vor etwa 10 Jahre
How many water type megas are there?
What two water types have the lowest base stats?
How many water type gym leaders?
How many water type elite four?
Which water type has the highest base stats including legendaries and megas?
What water type has the highest base stat excluding megas and legendaries?
Which water type mega has the highest base stats?
Which water type has the highest base HP?
Which water type has the highest base attack?
Which water type has the highest base defense?
Whihc water type has the highest base Special Attack?
Which water type has the highest Special Defense?
Which water type has the highest base Speed?
How does Poliwhirl evolve?
How does slowpoke evolve into slowbro?
How does mantyke evolve into mantine?
How does seadra evolve into kingdra?
How does clampearl evolve?
different types of shellos?
different Basculin forms?
how can you catch basculin in XY?
How many fossils are water type?
How many water types lose their water type when they evolve?
How many water types evolve using stones?
how many fire/water types are there?
how many water/bug types are there?
how many water/dark types are there?
How many water/dragon types are there?
How many water/electric types are there?
How many water/fairy types are there?
How many water/fighting types are there?
what is the name of keldeo's alternate form?
How many water/flying types are there?
How many water/ghost types are there?
how many water/grass types are there?
how many water/ground types are there?
how many water/ice types are there?
how many water/normal types are there?
how many water/poison types are there?
how many water/psychic types are there?
how many water/rock types are there?
how many water/steel types are there?
what pokemon do you get in the silph co building in gen 1?
what fossils do you get in mt moon in gen 1?
where can you get a squirtle in HGSS?
where can you get a mudkip in HGSS?
what fossil gives you a tirtouga?
where can you receive a panpour in BW?
where can you get a cover fossil in BW?
what pokemon do you get on route 12 in XY?
where can you receive a sharpedo in ORAS?
how many water attacks are there?
how many water attacks are HM?
name the 2 priority water attacks
name the water moves introduced in gen 6
name the water moves introduced in gen 5
name the water moves introduced in gen 4
name the water moves introduced in gen 3
name the water moves introduced in gen 2
water moves introduced in gen 1
how much does the ability torrent increase water moves by?
how much hp is restored through water absorb?
what are the effects of the sea incense?
what are the effects of the wave incense?
what are the effects of the splash plate?
what are the effects of mystic water?
what are the effects of water gem?
what are the effects of lustrious orb?
what are the effects of absorb bulb?
what are the effects of damp rock?
mistys team in R/B/Y
mistys team in HG/SS
misty is the gym leader of which city?
misty awards which badge?
wallaces team in R/S
wallace is gym leader of which city?
wallace awards which badge?
juans team in Emerald
crasher wakes team in D/P/Pl
crasher wake is the leader of which city?
crasher wake awards which badge?
cress' team in B/W
cress is the leader of which city?
cress awards which badge
marlons team in B2/W2
marlon is the leader of which city?
marlon awards which badge?
how many water attacks are physical?
how many water moves are special?
how many water moves are status moves?
what is brines secondary effect?
what is bubbles second effect?
what is bubble beams secondary effect?
what is crabhammers secondary effect?
what is muddy waters secondary effect?
what is octozookas secondary effect?
what is razor shells secondary effect?
what is scalds secondary effect?
what does the attack soak do?
what is steam eruptions secondary effect?
what is water pulses secondary effect?