Erstellt von Cheyenne Auguiste
vor etwa 10 Jahre
Which Family members encouraged Alexander to Emancipate the Serfs?
What personal traits did Alexander posses making him likely to emancipate the serfs?
Most European countries abolished slavery by?
How many Russian's in total died in the Crimea War?
Many intellectuals believed having slaves to be?
What percentage of land, was not being used at a time with the 3 field rotation method?
When was the Crimea War?
The Emancipation Declaration was announced 1.__________ but was in action from 2. ________?
How many men did Russia have in the Crimea War?
Who was Russia's opposition in the Crimea War and how many men did they have?
What was the battle of the Pugachev Rebellion?
What percentage of Russian land was fertile?
Why did Alexander need to Emancipate the Serf's?
How many serfs in 1860?
The population of serfs were known as the _______ _______.
How many serfs were freed?