Erstellt von Annika L-M
vor fast 10 Jahre
What is Academic Learning Time (ALT)?
What are the three measures of Academic Learning Time (ALT)?
What are the four phases of the general model of direct instruction?
What phase of the Transactional Model of Direct Instruction occurs throughout instruction?
How does Ausubel refer to advance organizers?
How should practice be provided?
What instructional methods should be used during monitoring and feedback?
How are scripted sessions organized?
How does the scripted session approach differ from the general model?
What factors should be used to decide on whether scripted instruction should be used?
List three values that are reflective of the discussion approach
What does shared responsibility mean?
How are the activities for higher learning incorporated in the discussion learning approach?
What are the steps for incorporating the practice of discussion teaching?
What are some ideas for assisting participants in being actively involved in discussion teaching?
What is the role of closing in the discussion instruction approach?
Provide some examples of variations in conditions for discussion teaching
How can an instructor address student resistance to discussion approach to instruction?
How can democratic learning be encouraged?
What is one way that life experiences can be built into discussion teaching?
What is expectation failure?
Distinguish between primary and secondary experiences
What are some of the criticisms of Kolb’s cyclical experiential learning cycle?
What are the three universal principles of experiential learning?
What components are necessary to help a learner frame an experience?
What universal characteristics are necessary for activating experience?
What situational principles are applicable for activating prior experience?
Provide examples for activating new experiences
When are journals and portfolios particularly useful in experiential learning?
What is one way that life experiences can be built into discussion teaching?
Provide a quick definition of PBL
How does PBL differ from the case-based approach?
What are the three areas of learning that collectively underscore the problem-based approach?
What kinds of skills are PBI best suited for?
Why should problems used in PBI be ill-structured?
How are the tutor and coach distinguished in PBI?
What is one of the more challenging aspect
of PBI
What are the important features of summative assessment in PBI?
What is the purpose of debriefing in PBI?
What are some implementation issues with PBI?
Provide a quick definition of a microworld
What are the key features of instructional simulations?
What three criteria should be applied to the design of simulations?
What does the fidelity principle under content function imply?
What are the three kinds of models used for instructional simulation?
What is the role of augmentation?
What role do controls systems play in instructional simulation?
Why is the messaging function important?
Name at least three aspects of instructions that must be incorporated into the media logic function for it to be effective.
How does the data management function differ from computer-management instruction (CMI)?
What are the five instructional methods that should be used during the presentation phase of direct instruction?
What is the distinction between the general model for direct instruction and scripted sessions?
What are the universal principles of discussion teaching?
List some ideas for assisting students to become actively involved in the discussion process.
What are some of the criticisms for using experience as a basis for learning?
Provide three (3) methods for activating prior learning
Provide three (3) approaches for activating new experience.
Problem-based learning is intended to provide well-structured vivid and complex exemplars that assist learners in forming conceptual relationships using abstract content.
True or False?
Which of the following are universal principles for problem-based instruction?
a. Problems are authentic and fit within the curriculum
b. Use of authentic assessment
c. Use of debriefing strategies at the end of the session
d. All the above
What are some of the determinants of the social contexts on simulation learning?