How old is Aboriginal culture?
Less than 10,000 years
About 10,000 years
More than 50,000 years
Over 100,000 years
At what age does and Aboriginal person die on average?
What is the politically correct term to use?
Aboriginal person
Indigenous person
What is the most commonly used dialect today?
Kala Lagaw Ya
Aboriginal English
Elders in Aboriginal communities are:
Old people
The custodians of culture and country
Only senior men
All Parents
Which of the following does NOT describe Aboriginal spirituality?
The land is our food, our culture, our spirit and identity.
The belief that all objects are living and share the same soul or spirit that Aboriginals share.
An expression through ceremonial performances (corroborees), rituals, totems and paintings.
The belief in ancestor gods and the practical worshipping of these gods.
The colours of the Aboriginal flag (red, yellow and black) represent:
Earth, wind and fire
Man, woman and children
Earth, sun and people
Air, knowledge and sun
As custodians walking over the land, returning to the sacred places, Aboriginal people:
Perform ceremonies, and take care of the country
Fulfill their cultural obligations to the ancestors
Pass on knowledge
Take care of the country
Worship material possessions
What happened in May 1967?
The first Aboriginal person was voted into parliament
For the first time Aboriginal people were included in the census
Aboriginal people were granted citizenship
Aboriginal people could vote for the first time
Indigenous peoples got equal rights
What was the legal term used by the British to claim sovereignty over Australia?
Van Diemen’s Land
Terra australis
Terra nullius
Terre Anglais