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1) the Umbilicus is Located in The Territory of the
a) L2 Dermatmoe
B) T10 Dermatome
C) L1 ilioinguinal
D ) L1 iliohypogastric
2) what structure Does the ovarian vein empty into ?
A) ivc
B) Rt Renal vein
C) Azygos vein
D) Right Epigastriac vein
3) Choose the correct answer
a) superficial ing . Ring Lies above pubic tubercle
B) superficial ing. Ring lies in fascia Transversalis
C) Deep ing. Ring gives External spermatic fascia
D) Deep ing. Ring Transmits ilio inguinal n.
4 ) Lymph Drainage of uterus
A) superficial inguinal L-Ns
B) pre aortic L-Ns
C) Para aortic L-Ns
D) B&C
5) The Nerve supply of Conjoint Tendon
A) Sub costal n.
B) ilio inguinal n,
C) ilio hypogastria n.
6) All the following is Considered to form the Stomach bed except
a) Body of pancreas
B) abdominal aorta
C) Tr. meso Colon
D) Lt crus of Diaphragm
7) Bare area of Stomach
a) on The postero sup surface
B) not Covered with peritoneum & related to Rt Crus of Diaphragm
c) Related to Lt Gastric a. & close to Cardiac orifice
D) NON Of the Above
8) Root of messentry Crosses
a) abd. aorta
B) Rt ureter
C) I v C
D) All of the above
9) Choose The correct answer
a) JeJnum is Less vascular than ileum
B) ileum has greater amount of mesenteric vs than Jejnum
C) small inteStine is immobile
D) NON of The Above
10)Choose the correct answer
a) Lower Division of L4 & L5 → Lumbosacral trunk which Shares in Sacral plex
B) Genito femoral n is L2 + L3
c) femoral n, is the ventral Div. of v-R of L1&2&3
D) all of The above