Define the term 'software'
The programs and other operating information used by a computer.
A collection of physical parts of a computer system.
What is application software?
Software that is available on all platforms
Allows you to complete tasks that would have been impossible otherwise
What are the stages of a systems life cycle?
Definition,Investigation and analysis,Design,Implementation,Installation,Documentation,Testing and Maintenance
Definition,Investigation and analysis,Design,Implementation,Testing,Installation,Documentation,Maintenance and Evaluation
Definition,Investigation and analysis,Design,Implementation,Testing,Installation,Documentation,Evaluation and Maintenance
Definition,Investigation and analysis,Design,Implementation,Testing,Evaluation and Maintenance
What is the difference between the spiral and waterfall models?
The spiral model allows analyst to go back to any stage in the process where the waterfall is a top-down process.
The spiral model allows the analyst to start at any point.
An operating system is a peripheral
What is a Feasibility Study?
The software that runs the BIOS.
A study of the aesthetics of the GUI.
A study that checks the code of a program to make sure it will work.
An assessment of the practicality of a proposed plan or method.