Erstellt von grenouilleverte3
vor fast 10 Jahre
What is amnesia?
Who was Clive Wearing before his brain damage, why did this happen and when?
What type of amnesia did Clive Wearing experience?
What are the results of Clive Wearing's amnesia?
Why can Clive Wearing still play piano and remember his wife?
How long is Clive Wearing's short term memory?
Who is HM and what happened to him?
What was the result of removing HM's hippocampus?
What do these case studies show about the storage of memories (cognition)?
What was HM still able to do?
When was Reed & Squire study carried out?
What was the aim of the Reed & Squire study?
Who were the participants?
Outline the study
What were the results of Reed and Squire?
What was the conclusion and how does this support the case studies? (CW & HM)
Give 5 evaluation points of this study
What do these studies show about the link between cognition and physiology?
What are 3 overall evaluation points of the Amnesia LO
What is neuroplasticity?
Who conducted the study on the effects of meditation on the brain and when?
What was the aim of the study?
What was the hypothesis?
Who were compared in the study?
What did the researchers do to ensure that interest in learning was not a confounding variable?
Outline the method
What were the results?
Who carried out the study supporting neuroplasticity in taxi drivers and when?
Who were the participants?
Outline the study
What were the differences between brain scans?
What was the conclusion?
Overall, what do the meditation study and the taxi driver study show about the effects of environment on physiological processes?