Erstellt von Jane Boothman
vor fast 10 Jahre
Holy writing of Islam
Symbol associated with Judaism
Buddhists follow this to achieve enlightenment e.g. Right thought, Right action
Founder of Sikhism
Principal holy place of Islam
Kesh is the chief sign of a Sikh (in a man, a beard is part of this)
Jewish religious leader
Five signs of brotherhood of Sikhs
Founder of Buddhism 460 BC
Fasting during Ramadan is one of these, Islam is based on them
Holy writing for Jews made up of first five books of OT
Principal Jewish Celebration- angel of death passed over Jewish households during captivity in Egypt and subsequent freedom
A small replica sword worn by Sikh men
Jews celebrate this from sunset Fri to sunset Sat
Name meaning lion used by all Sikh men
Jewish food prepared in accordance with Jewish dietary law
Symbol associated with Christianity
Jewish building of worship
Holy place for Hindus (river)
Festival which concludes Ramadan
Jewish festival of lights
Symbol associated with Hinduism
Place of worship for Muslims
Holy place for Sikhs (Golden Temple)
Four divisions of people historically associated with Hindus
A way of intensifying consciousness important for Hindus
Muslim religious leader
Lowest caste , not allowed to enter village or temple
Symbol associated with Sikhism
All Buddhists, many Hindus and Sikhs are this in terms of diet
Most Muslim and Jewish boys have had this procedure
The creator in Hinduism
Christian celebration - coming of the holy spirit six weeks after Easter
A state of bliss in Buddhism
Symbol associated with Buddhism
Muslim ritual slaughter of meat
Hindu celebration - spraying coloured water/ powder on others
Symbol associated with Islam