Erstellt von Sam Adeyiga
vor mehr als 4 Jahre
--------- develops over a short period of time (hours to days), and involves an acute
change in the level of consciousness in addition to a decline in cognition
--------- a more permanent change in condition and does not involve a change in the level of consciousness
---------- memory impairment, without any
other problems - often seen as a precursor to AD
Which of the ff is not true?
a. Not everyone w/ dementia has AD but everyone w/ AD has dementia
b. Delirium develops over short period (hrs to days) without acute change in consciousness while dementia changes over a period of time w/ change in consciousness.
c. People may begin to have the symptoms of dementia before meeting the criteria
d. Often MCI is seen as a precursor to AD and people with an MCI diagnosis are much more likely to progress to AD
What are the functions of Glial?
Which of the ff is true of Tau?
a. It helps microtubule assemble
b. It can form a paired helical filament when hyperphosphorylated.
c. hyperphosphorylation of Tau can cause neurofibrillary tangle
What is the effect of Mg2+ in NMDA receptor opening?
Explain Excitotoxicity per NMDA.?
What are the 4 neuropathology of AD?
Compare and contrast the processes and final products when APP is cleaved by alpha secretes versus beta/ gamma secretases
Explain how hyperphosphorylation of tau protein leads to tangle formation
Explain the formation and spread of neurofibrillary tangle in the brain
Explain how inflammation plays a role in exacerbating the disease state of AD
Which of the ff is/are true?
a. AD brain weighs less than 40% of a normal brain.
b. AD brain has a greatly enlarge sulci and shrunken gyri
c. AD brain has an enlarged ventricles due to atrophy of the cerebral cortex
d. AD only affect areas associated with the formation of new memories and cognition
List brain areas that are primarily affected by AD
List brain areas that are unaffected by AD
Describe the changes to the ventricles that occur in AD
Which of the ff is/are correct?
a. Loss of cholinergic neurons causes formation of neuropathologies
b. In AD Ach neurons are destroyed and may result in decrease of norepinephrine, serotonin or glutamate
c. Cholinergic cells loss appears as the cause and result of AD pathology
d. Treatment of AD with cholinergic agents has a great effect in preventing cognitive loss and reduces the progression of the neuropathologies.
e. Cholinergic cells loss seems to be a result of AD pathology, not the cause.
f. Treatment of AD w/ acetycholine (cholinergic agent) has a minimal effect in preventing cognitive loss and does not affect the progression of the disease neuropathology.