Which of the following will cause an increase in blood pressure?
Increased parasympathetic nerve system activity at the sinoatrial node
Vasodilatation of the peripheral arterioles
A decrease in circulating blood volume
Increased activation of cardiac B1 (beta 1) adrenoreceptors
Which of the following statements about the renin-angiotensin system is incorrect?
Angiotensin II is the major bioactive peptide
Renin is released from the kidney in response to an increase in blood pressure
Activation of the system can increase aldosterone production and Na+ retention
Increased activity of ACE can lead to enhanced peripheral vasoconstriction
Which of the following statements about hypertension is incorrect?
Hypertension is a graded condition
Hypertension is a major risk for heart failure and stroke
Hypertension is usually due to a specific underlying pathology
Hypertension is influenced by both genetic and lifestyle factors
ACE inhibitors such as Catopril act by:
Competitively antagonising AT1 receptors
Decreasing the formation of angiotensinogen
Increasing the activity of renin
Reducing the conversion of angiotensin I into angiotensin II
Potential adverse effects (AEs) of calcium ion channel blockers such as Amlodopine do NOT include:
Ankle swelling
Orthostatic hypotension
Which of the following statements about anti-hypertensive drugs is INCORRECT?
Atenolol will oppose the increases in heart rate and contractility caused by SNS activation
Hydrochlorothiazides act in the distal tubule to increase Na+ reabsoprtion
Irbesartan antagnoises AT1 receptors to reduce vasoconstriction
Prazosin reduces blood pressure by antagonising adrenoreceptors in the vasculature
Increases Na+ reabsorption in the collecting duct
Produces a large diuresis
Reduces K+ excretion
Is a positive inotrope
Which of the following does NOT contribute to the mechanism of action of Digoxin?
An increase in intracellular Na+ concentrations
Inhibition of the Na+-K+-ATPase
An increase in cytoplasmic Ca2+
Increase activity of the Na+-Ca2+ exchanger
Organic nitraties such as Glyceryl Trinitrate do all of the following except:
Cause vasodilation
Increase cardiac contractility
Reduce preload
Lower blood pressure
Is obtained exclusively from dietary sources
Can be transported from peripheral tissues to the liver by HDL
Circulates independently in the bloodstream
Can be synthesised in the adipose tissue
Which of the following is NOT part of the mechanism of action for Statins?
Increased uptake of LDL from plasma into hepatocytes
Inhibition of HMA coA-reductase
Reduction in endogenous cholesterol synthesis
Down regulation of LDL receptors
In low doses, Asprin reduces platelet activation by:
Reducing prostacyclin (PGl2) production
Selectively inhibiting cyclooxygenase in endothelial cells
Preventing the release of ADP
Acetylating COX1 in platelets