Erstellt von Jen Tarbox
vor mehr als 9 Jahre
What are the 2 parts of the hair?
how do you neutralize a relaxer?
what are the 3 laws of the mind?
what does FACE stand for
what are the 3 p's to an affirmation
what does being forward focus consist of?
what is 4-10-2?
what are the steps to the 4 step program?
what are the 10 opportunities?
what is the 2 minute plan?
what are the parts to a curl?
what are your base placements
what is the density of hair?
what is the texture of hair?
what are the different textures of hair
what is porosity?
what are the different levels of porosity?
what is elasticity?
what are the formations of hair?
what are the draping techniques?
what does healthy hair consist of?
what is the structure of the hair
(smalles to largest)
what do finger waves help develop?
what are the 3 cycles of hair growth
what are the ABCD's of color
What are the steps to formulation
where do you find complimentary colors to neutralize?
what is PM shines mixed with
what are the mixing ratios for the color, highilft, and PM shines
what are the primary colors
what are the secondary colors?
what are the tertiary colors?
what levels of lift do you get from a 5,10,20,30,40 developer
what do you use 5 volume developer for?
what do you use 10 volume developers for?
when do you do a predisposition test and where do you do it?
what are the 20 steps to a perm?
what is the rinsing rule?
what are the pre-dry techniques
what are the finish techniques
how do you normalize sodium hydroxide relaxer?
what do you look for during a curl evaluation?
lightner + sodium hydroxide =
what are the end wrap techniques?
what are the end paper techniques
what are the phases to a style and finish?
what straight relaxers does PM have
what perm can be used on color or highlighted hair
what is the purpose of end papers
what are the 3 principles of dimension in HC
what are the geometric shapes in HC
what does the upper body control in HC
what does the lower body control in HC
what are the techniques in HC
what does a graduation cut do
what do layers do
one does a one cut do
what creates height in HC
what creates width
what determines depth in HC
what are the 3 basic section angles in HC
what are the phases of a haircut
what are the hand positions in HC
what are the scissor lengths and what are they good for
what is the purpose of the tension release method?
when should you get a scalp treatment?
what are the parts of a clipper
what are the parts to scissors
what are the 7 face shapes
what hand position do you use for one length
what hand position do you use for graduation
what hand position do you use for layers
what is the lightener shampoo journey
what product can be used after a chemical treatment
where does healthy hair sit on the pH scale
what are the 3 hair bonds
what breaks each hair bond
how many layers of the cuticle scale does corse and fine hair have
what are the layers of hair
what are the 3 paul mitchell lightners
what are the cranium reference points
what are the hair growth patterns?
what is the process time for color
what does the cuticle of hair protect against