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Feminist view of crime and deviance

Erstellt von josaul1996 vor mehr als 9 Jahre
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almost 5 years ago
Sociology - Crime and Deviance -FeministsMale dominance in society is reflected in amale dominance of mainstream theories ofcrimeHeidensohn - why women areignored in the study of crimeSociology was dominated by men, who tended toaccept stereotypical ideas about femalesThose who did try to study itstruggled to find useful examplesMale sociologists were attracted by theapparent glamour of some male deviance, ofgangs, drug taking etc, and would have haddifficulty in gaining access to female groupsand subcultures even had they been interested.All these early theories of crime can beundermined by asking how they wouldaccount for females.Official Statistics = show that mencommit five times as many crimes aswomenHow Much Female Crime?Some believe that women are better at concealingevidence of crimes they have committed.Self Report Studies tend to show that men do commit morecrimes, but that the ratio is considerably smaller - more like 1:2male crimes for every female one, rather than 5:1.Box suggests that for seriousoffences the 5:1 ratio suggested byofficial statistics is accurate.Treatment by the Criminal JusticeSystemIt is possible that the low numbers of women in theofficial figures may be the result of different treatment bythe police and courts.It has been suggested that there is a "chivalry factor" whichleads to leniency towards women; the police may be more likelyto caution than to charge, the courts to acquit or impose lessersentences.There is often the assumption that femalesinvolved in crime are likely to have been "ledon" by a male companion.Why do Women Commit Less Crime than Men?Heidensohn suggests a set of factorsrelating to differential social control,explains why women conform more.Females are socialised differently; the roles which girls learn stresscaring, softness and attractiveness and are less likely to lead topotentially deviant behaviour than male roles which approveaggression and toughness.The crimes which women commit do seem to be related to femalegender roles; shop lifting to the role of mother and provider andprostitution to the role of sex servant.Heidensohn argues that women, beingsubject to greater social control, havefewer opportunities for crime.They are less likely to be inoccupations where whitecollar crime is possible, andmany public spaces havegreater danger and difficultyfor women than for men.Lees has shown how what teenage girlscan do is constrained by the negativelabels they can acquire among peers bytransgressing even in small ways.Why do some Women Commit Crime?Carlen carried out research with female offenders. Her respondentshad rejected or not entered into the "gender deal". Patriarchalideology promises women a satisfying life through bringing upchildren and supporting a husband - being a good wife and mother.Carlen's women had rejected there roles, sometimes because ofvery negative experiences of family life as children. In doing sothey escaped a powerful area of social control, raising thepossibility of offending.StrengthsA new focus on female offendingand the experiences of women inthe criminal justice system.The application of existing theories,criticisms of them, and the developmentof new theories, to explain femaledeviance.A new focus on the various types ofvictimisation suffered by women,particularly from male physical andsexual violence, including rape anddomestic violence.A challenge to the popularmisconception that women enjoy"chivalry" from the criminal justicesystem, and are treated moreleniently than men.An important new focus on gender and gender identityissues in explaining deviance, and the adaptation ofexisting theories to refocus them on gender rather thansimply offending - feminist have raised questions in controltheory, for example, concerning how men and womenexperience different levels of control, and in labellingtheory concerning why female offending carries higherlevels of stigmatisation than male offending.Doppelklick auf diesen KnotenKlicke und ziehe diese Schaltfläche, um einen neuen Knoten zu erstellen