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So You Think You Know Hippocrates?

Frage 1 von 7


How did Hippocrates formulate new ideas on medicine and why did they differ so much from the traditional ideas?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • His brain developed quicker than others

  • He travelled outside of Greece, gathering new ideas from each place and creating his own theories

  • His father and grandfather were both physicians and experienced things that very few from his time experienced, and they passed down their knowledge to him

  • He conducted studies of various medical questions and formulated solid conclusions based on them


Frage 2 von 7


What did Hippocrates, concerning the patient, emphasize the importance of?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • The study of the Hippocratic Oath would guide one to healthiness

  • Diet and Exercise were key factors for maintaining good health

  • Praying and worshiping God were necessities to prevent illnesses

  • Care and observation were crucial when tending to a patient


Frage 3 von 7


Why was the Hippocratic Oath Significant?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • It was the first written text that outlined diseases and what each one was

  • It was the first written text that outlined the factors done to prevent certain illnesses and to lead to healthiness

  • It was the first written text that outlined the morals of the doctor-to-patient relationship

  • It was the first written text that outlined the procedures doctors should have while treating patients


Frage 4 von 7


Why was the time period Hippocrates studied in (460-370 BC) significant in the reason why his work was so special?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • It was before anyone had ever practiced medicine, making him the first practicing physician in the world

  • His ideas were new to Greece, so he was praised and viewed as the “God of Medicine”

  • His ideas conflicted with those of the Roman Catholic Church, which was a powerful force in Greek politics

  • Hippocrates dedicated his whole life to medicine, advancing medical technology to make procedures more efficient


Frage 5 von 7


Which of the following were major obstacles for the advancement of Hippocrates’ studies? Mark all that apply.

Wähle eine oder mehr der folgenden:

  • He was constantly travelling and looking for new ideas around the world, so he was looked down upon by the Greek Clergy

  • His ideas conflicted with those of the Roman Catholic Church, which was a powerful force in Greek politics

  • His resources were limited due to the Greek laws of dissection and certain medical practices

  • His resources were limited due to the limited technology of his time


Frage 6 von 7


Did Hippocrates revolutionize doctor-to-patient relationships?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Yes, because he emphasized caring for patients and conducting thorough diagnostics before prescribing or proceeding with anything.

  • Yes, because he encouraged physicians to extend their time with the patient to gain a higher degree of credibility and income.

  • No, because he mainly focused on procedures and did little to examine other aspects of the patient

  • No, because he rarely had time to see patients, due to his commitment of travelling and learning more about the practice of medicine.


Frage 7 von 7


Describe Hippocrates’ legacy in modern medicine.

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Hippocrates took in a lot of data and travelled around the world to not only collect new ideas, but also to share them

  • Hippocrates continued his father’s legacy of introducing new methods of medicine, but never really took the time to actually practice them

  • Hippocrates emphasized an amicable doctor-to-patient relationship and taking time to really observe the patient, but didn’t introduce new ideas to the world of medicine

  • Hippocrates revolutionized the practice, methods, and procedures of medicine, but never really shared his ideas with the world during his time.
