Erstellt von s.enright
vor mehr als 9 Jahre
How many marks are there for question 1a?
What phrase should you use in question 1a?
What should you write for question 2?
Question 3 is about language. Name 4 language features you could look for.
How many texts do you have to compare in question 4?
What are the best presentation features to write about?
Which 2 presentation features should you definitely always write about?
What should you say about them?
What words and phrases are good for linking points about the 2 pictures?
What words and phrases are good for showing the difference between 2 pictures?
How many paragraphs should you write for question 4?
How many paragraphs should you write for question 3?
When you use a quote, what punctuation mark goes around it?
How long is the whole exam?
How long should you spend on the reading section?
How long should you spend on the writing question?
Which writing question should you do first?
Whys should you do question 6 before question 5?
What should you do when you have read the question for q5?
What does TAP stand for?
How many paragraphs should you plan for q5?
How many paragraphs should you plan for question 6?
Name some things you should remember when you write accurately
Name two times you can use capital letters
How can you get high marks and impress an examiner in your language in the writing question?
How should you organise your writing?
If you have extra time, what should you do?
What is a better word for good in 'It was a good idea'?
What is a better word for 'tired' in
After the long journey, I was tired?
How many marks for question 5?
How many marks for question 6?