Erstellt von Kelly Jowett
vor mehr als 9 Jahre
what is an isotope?
what is the stability like of an isotope?
what kind of nuclei produces a radioactive element?
what happens when nuclei decay?
what are the three types of ionising radiation?
what element does alpha radiation cause?
what is the size and the speed of movement for an alpha particle?
what material can block the route of a alpha particle?
what does a beta particle cause?
what is a beta particle?
what is the size and speed of movement like for a beta particle?
what is the charge of a beta particle?
what material blocks a beta particle?
what ionising strength does gamma have?
what is gamma?
what change does gamma radiation do to an element?
what blocks gamma radiation?
what sort of ionising strength does an alpha particle have?
what is the charge of an alpha particle?
when is gamma often released?
what is the nuclear equation for alpha?
what is the nuclear equation for beta?
where is beta radiation used?
where is alpha radiation used?
where is gamma radiation used?
what occupations run a high risk of being contaminated by radiation?
how can the risks of contamination of radiation be reduced?
the damage of radiation contamination to health depends on what things?
what does high doses of radiation increase the risk of?
what is radiation measured in?
what is half life?
can it be predicted when a nucleus will decay?
what causes a particle to be strongly ionising?
what is radioactivity measured in?
where does background radiation come from?
give examples of where background radiation can come from?
why does radiation cause health problems?
what form of radiation is more dangerous inside the body?
what form of radiation does the most damage outside of the body?
what is nuclear fission?
what elements are often used in nuclear fission?
how does nuclear fission work in a nuclear power station?
describe the process of nuclear fission
what reaction happens in nuclear fission?
how is the chain reaction controlled in nuclear fission?
why does the chain reaction in nuclear fission need to be controlled?
what is nuclear fusion?
what are the isotopes used in nuclear fusion?
what is the product of nuclear fusion?
why is fusion better than fission?
why is nuclear fusion not yet efficient enough?
what happened in 1989 with the scientists that claimed they achieved cold fusion?
what cant happen in nuclear fusion and how is this avoided?
how is low level nuclear waste disposed of?
how is intermediate level waste disposed of?
how is high level radioactive waste disposed of?
why is a fusion bomb more efficient than a fission bomb?
what is the life cycle of a smaller star?
what happens in the nebula/protostar?
what happens in a main sequence star?
what happens in a red giant?
what happens in a planetary nebula?
what happens in a white dwarf?
what happens in a black dwarf?
what is the life cycle of a big star?
what happens with a super red giant?
what happens in a supernova?
what is a neutron star?
when is a black hole formed?
what is the 'plum pudding' model of the atom suggest?
what did Rutherford, Marsden and Geiger's alpha particle scattering consist of?
some of the alpha particles passed straight through the gold foil, what did this show?
some alpha particles were deflected at small angles what does this show?
some alpha particles were deflected at very large angles what does this suggest about the nucleus?