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Block 1 Perspectives on the lives of children and young people
Learning guides 1–7
Block 1 begins by introducing you to different elements of K218, and the main focus is on exploring the module themes. These themes are some of the theories and perspectives which underpin K218 – they also highlight the way in which the module advocates that we work with children, young people and their families. The early learning guides go on to look at some fundamental issues for work with children, young people and families including the meaning of ‘childhood’, children’s wellbeing, diversity and inequalities, and values and reflection in practice.
Block 3 Working with children and young people, families and communities
Learning guides 15–20
Block 3 opens with a look at social and cultural movement and change. It goes on to consider a wide range of spaces, or contexts, where the lives of children, young people and families are lived. You investigate the meanings that children and young people, and their carers/parents attribute to the spaces in which they live. This includes community and family spaces, as well as alternative and transitional spaces. At the end of the module you are encouraged to reflect on your learning and consider your next steps as a learner and/or practitioner.
Cognitive skills
• 2.1 analyse issues, form questions and demonstrate awareness of problems from a range of perspectives
• 2.2 evaluate the appropriateness and effectiveness of different practice approaches involving practitioners, children, young people and families
• 2.3 apply concepts and theories to interpret, critically evaluate and develop practice with children, young people and families
• 2.4 critically select and apply knowledge from experience, research and other sources to develop understanding of issues, to sustain reasoned arguments and to identify and problematise practices involving children, young people and families.
Practical and professional skills
After studying this module, you should be able to:
• 4.1 observe, describe and record accurately and assess evidence and make informed decisions
• 4.2 critically evaluate approaches to service provision and use strategies for safe and effective practice
• 4.3 practise critical reflection
• 4.4 examine and reflect on effective practice with a range of service users and in a variety of settings
• 4.5 analyse the factors and processes that facilitate effective interdisciplinary, inter-professional and interagency collaboration and partnership
• 4.6 demonstrate sensitivity in relation to the diversity of values and interests of others.
1. Relationships between children, young people, families, community and society
The module will promote the idea of looking at children and young people not in isolation or even just in the context of their immediate families, but through a careful consideration of the impact of a broad range of factors in their environment, their community and wider society. This ‘web of relationships’can be represented by using a social-ecological model to understand not only their lives but where and how services or policies might intervene to make a difference to them.
3. Knowledges, skills, values and technologies for collaborative practice
The module will emphasise that practice is composed of three inextricably linked components – knowledge, skills and values. Exploring these is a crucial part of identifying good practice in work with children, young people and families. It is important that we keep coming back to consider these components but also to question ‘whose knowledge?’, ‘why those skills?’ and ‘which values?’. Technology involves the development and application of tools, techniques and systems to solve problems and perform tasks. Knowledge and skills are closely related to the use of technology. Here we specifically think about technologies that bring people together and produce policies, services and practices that can ultimately improve the lives of children and young people. Finally, the idea that this practice should be a ‘collaborative’ activity will be central to the module – shaping services with those who use them rather than on their behalf.
5. Diversity, inequality, and rights
Families will have very different experiences of life. Their current experiences are influenced by a range of factors some involving the past, some related to who they are or where they live and others linked to the availability and accessibility of fundamental resources and rights. Consequently some children, for example those who are disabled, will encounter different issues in their lives from those who are not disabled. In fact, some children and young people and families will experience multiple inequalities and disadvantages. The module will aim to enhance understanding of the realities of inequality and diversity and their implications for practice. Services for children have also been increasingly influenced, and challenged, by an acknowledgement of children’s rights. The place of rights will be explored throughout the module.
Social construction
Key aspects argue that knowledge is produced through discourse ( through language and social practices)
It allows us to deconstruct taken for granted social norms .
Questions of power relations ( asking questions such as who's interests are being met ?????
Neither static not uncontested
Takes the idea that the world is socially constructed by many different stakeholders such as children and young people, families, practitioners and also in everyday media and policy agendas