What is Biology?
A science studying life and interactions between living organisms, the function of their systems and their mechanisms at a molecular level.
A science studying earth and interactions between plates, the function of their systems and their mechanisms at a scale level.
What Biologists do? Which are the benefits of studying Biology?
Study the diversity of life, preserves the environment, research diseases, develops technology and improves agriculture
Preserves the environment, study the diversity of life, asks about meaning of love, develops technology and improves agriculture
Develop highway's structures, preserves the environment, research diseases, develops technology and improves agriculture
What are the 8 characteristics of a living organism?
Formed by one or more cells, grows and develops, requieres energy, homeostasis, reproduces, organizes, responds to stimuli and adapts and evolves
Formed by one or more cells, grows and develops, requires energy, reproduces, organizes, responds to stimuli and adapts and evolves
Formed by one or more cells, grows and develops, requires energy, epiglottis, reproduces, organizes, responds to stimuli and adapts and evolves
Which is the correct ascending order for the levels of organization of matter?
Subatomic particle, Atom, Molecule, Cell, Tissue, Organelle, Organ, Organ system, multicellular organism, specie, population, community, ecosystem and biosphere
Subatomic particle, Atom, Molecule, Organelle, Cell, Tissue, Organ system, multicellular organism, population, specie, community, ecosystem and biosphere
Does the "multicellular organism" level is considered by ecologists in the organization of matter?
An atom is considered to have life
Which option describes better a Prokaryotic cell?
Have a nucleus, is complex, its genetic material is contained in a membrane and is present in protists, fungi, animals and plants.
Doesn't have a nucleus, is simple, its genetic material is not contained in a membrane and is present in bacterias and archeas.
Doesn't have a nucleus, is simple, its genetic material is not contained in a membrane and is present in protists, fungi, animals and plants.
Have a nucleus, is complex, its genetic material is contained in a membrane and is present in bacterias and archeas.
Which of the following answers doesn't belong to the steps of the scientific method?
Observation, Investigation, Experimentation, Hijacking, Obtention and analysis of data, Conclusions.
Observation, Investigation, Hypothesis, Experimentation, Obtention and analysis of data, Conclusions.
In an experiment, the growth in cm of a plant is considered the independent variable?
Which lipid may benefit health in a moderate amount?
Insatured lipid
Satured lipid
Which is the good cholesterol produced by our bodies?
LDL, High Density Lipoprotein
HDL, High Density Lipoprotein
HDL, Low Density Lipoprotein
LDL, Low Density Lipoprotein
Rubber bands are considered...
Anemia is defined as...
A lack or low levels of red blood cells.
Abundance of red blood cells
A lack or low levels of white blood cells.
Abundance of platets.
Which are the two types of digestion?
What is the small plate of cartilage that covers the trachea to avoid food to enter and cause a person to choke?
Is called as the rhythmically contract of the esophagus wall in order to move the food down to the stomach
Pepsin is an enzyme involved in the MECHANICAL digestion of proteins?
Helps to break down fats
Select the definition of internal respiration
Exchange of gasses between the atmosphere and blood.
Exchange of gasses between blood and body cells.
Mechanical movement of air into and out of the lungs.
What are bronchioles?
Smaller branches of the bronchi that lead to the alveoli.
Left and Right ramifications of the trachea that lead to the lungs, where gas takes place.
Individual air sacs with thin walls surrounded by very thin capillaries
Does mucous membranes are a defence mechanisms against foreign particles in the respiratory system?
The heart beats without needing the brain to send the precise order to do so...
Which are the components of the cardiovascular system (4) ?
Blood vessels
Lymphatic System
Digestive System
I. Transport oxygenated blood II. Back to the heart III. Are thick-walled vessels IV. Can withstand high pressures exerted by the blood
Which is false?
III and IV
I and II
Heart is divided into...
Four chambers and valves
Two chambers and valves
Six chambers and valves
Diastole is when the atria f ill with blood and then contract, filling the ventricles with blood...
The heart pulses about 70 times each minute.
Blood pressures is...
I. A measure of the pressure that blood exerts against the wall of blood vessels II. It is measured in millimeters of oxygen III. A measure of the resistance that blood exerts agains the wall of blood vessels IV. It is measured in millimeters of mercury
Which set is correct?
I and IV
III and II
Clear, yellowish fluid that contains proteins, hormones and nutrients. It is composed mainly by water.
Red Blood Cells
White Blood Cells
Is the body's disease fighter
Are the Male reproductive cells...
Egg cells
Which of the followings options is false?
Vas deferens is...
A duct leading away from the testis
Sperms travel through this duct
Tube that carries both semen and urine outside the body
Secretes fructose, that provides energy, nutrients, proteins and enzymes for sperms...
Seminal vesicle
Bulborethral gland
Is not a masculine hormone...
Provide an environment that is right for fertilization of an egg and the development of an embryo...
Female Reproductive System
Male Reproductive System
Skeletal System
Connect the ovaries with the uterus...
The Menstrual Cycle is divided in 3 phases...