Erstellt von Michael Priest
vor fast 10 Jahre
What are cathode rays?
What is thermionic emission?
How much energy does an electron gain when accelerated by a p.d. V
A fine beam tube is used to confine electrons to a circular path. Why do the electrons not spiral inwards?
Give the 3 factors that affect the frictional force in Stokes' Law
What did Milikan's oil droplet experiment discover?
Describe Newton's ideas about light
Describe Huygen's ideas about light
What is wave-particle duality?
How did Einstein explain the photoelectric effect?
Describe one experiment where particles behave like waves
Describe one experiment where light behaves like a particle
Describe one experiment where light behaves like a wave
Describe one experiment where electrons behave like particles
Describe the functions of the 3 lenses in a Transmission Electron Microscope
Describe how a Scanning Tunnelling Microscope works
Describe an electromagnetic wave
How does this equation show that light is an electromagnetic wave?
Explain how a radio wave induces an alternating EMF in a metal loop
What was the Michelson-Morley interferometer experiment designed to prove?
In the Michelson-Morley experiment what caused the fringe pattern?
In the Michelson-Morley experiment a fringe shift was expected. Explain why.
What are the 2 postulates for Einstein's theory of special relativity?
What is an inertial reference frame?
How does time dilation account for the detection of muons on mountain-tops?
Length contraction affects muons as they travel at relativistic speeds. Explain how.
What quantity does this equation represent?
What quantity does this equation represent?
What does this equation represent?
It is impossible for a particle to travel at the speed of light. Explain why.