Module 10.1 Moving Continents
Who was Alfred Wegener?
What was the continental drift theory by Alfred Wegener?
What was one observation Wegener based his conclusions on?
What was one another observation Wegener based his conclusions on?
What is seafloor spreading?
What were scientists in 1872 doing with ocean research?
How did they measure ocean depth?
What did they discover in the middle of the Atlantic ocean?
What did German scientists in 1925 do with the ridge found 1872?
In 1945 what did they study further using sonar?
What happened in 1953 with the ridges?
What was oceans ridges called?
Who was Harry Hess?
What did Harry Hess try to explain?
What did Harry Hess do while serving the US navy during World War ||?
What did he discover there?
What did Hess propose?
What did Hess also propose?
What are ocean trenches?
Evidence for Hess's theory?
What is magnetic striping?
What is a magnetometer?
Whats more evidence supporting the theory of seafloor spreading came from dating the rocks on the sea floor?
Whats more evidence supporting the theory of seafloor spreading came from dating the rocks on the sea floor?
What is the crust?
What is tectonic plate?
Fact about tectonic plate?
What are the sizes of the tectonic plates?
What is the mantle?
Whats the lithosphere?
Whats the asthenosphere?
How is some new heat created?
Whats the core?
Whats the core like?
What is the first theory about why do plates move?
What is the second theory about why do plates move?
What is the first way gravity could be involved in moving tectonic plates?
What is the second way gravity could be involved in moving tectonic plates?
What is the process rifting?
What is one water-filled rift?
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