Catherine Sharp
Quiz von , erstellt am more than 1 year ago

Basic elements of Game Design via Gamestar Mechanics

Catherine Sharp
Erstellt von Catherine Sharp vor mehr als 9 Jahre

Gamestar Mechanics Elements

Frage 1 von 20


What is the digital representation of a physical person in a virtual world or game?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Enemy

  • Boss

  • Avatar

  • Profile


Frage 2 von 20


What are the small items that Avatar's collect to complete a goal or improve their score?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Key

  • Point

  • Frag

  • Lock


Frage 3 von 20


Which does the "Frag Counter" indicate?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Number of lives the Avatar has left.

  • Number of keys needed to unlock a level.

  • Number of destroyed enemies destroyed &/or goals completed in a level

  • Measures the health of the Avatar &/or Amount of damage/mistakes remaining for an Avatar


Frage 4 von 20


The game you are playing contains "Fruit Bunches" of multiple varieties & colors that your Avatar can eat for immediate use or store in backpack for later in the quest. Which type of Game Element are the "Fruit Bunches"?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Logic Mechanic

  • Collecting Mechanic

  • Exploring Mechanic

  • Solving Mechanic


Frage 5 von 20


Your Avatar has completed a series of challenges and acquired a large amount of gold while navigating a small island using a map. In order to board a ship that will take him to a new "World" in his Quest, he must defeat a large, ugly pirate with an evil, oversized parrot. What type of element is the "pirate and parrot"?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Enemy

  • Vilan

  • Opposer

  • Boss


Frage 6 von 20


Your assignment is to design & create a game level that allows the player's Mermaid swim through a series of water caves to travel horizontally below an island containing an evil Troll. What type of "Space" would be the west choice for your project?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Wraparound Space

  • Bounded Space

  • Scrolling Space

  • Un-Bounded Space


Frage 7 von 20


Which group of items are examples of a Mechanics Elements?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Jumping, Blasting, Racing, Exploring

  • Bounded, Unbounded, Wrap-Around, Platformer

  • Environment, Damage, Goal, Point


Frage 8 von 20


Your Avatar must use a map to find their way out of garden maze while exploring the game space for a list of treasure items that he needs to collect to complete the levels goals. You possess a Magical Bird that allows you to see the whole garden when you also drink a "Vision" potion, making it easier to locate special jewels, a key to a lock, enemies patrolling the garden and the correct path to exit the garden area. Which Perspective would be the most likely one used for this game level?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Platformer Perspective

  • Top-down Perspective

  • Bounded Perspective


Frage 9 von 20


You need to make an Easy and a Difficult level for a game is to change the game space so that there is less ways for the player's Avatar to die. The Player must avoid falling off the series of elevator platforms that rise and fall or they will fall, losing a life and must start over. What design change to the game space should you make to prevent the Beginner from losing their life when they fall from the platforms?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Add an Avoiding Mechanic

  • Delete the Damage Blocks

  • Change to a Platformer Perspective

  • Make the level a Bounded space


Frage 10 von 20


You must touch a sacred stone at the end of a winding path while avoiding any dangerous animals before the sands run out in hourglass shown on your screen. Which element category is the sacred stone in your quest?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Lock and Key

  • Goal Block

  • Point Element

  • Health Meter


Frage 11 von 20


The new game you are playing has a series of Evil War Lords that have special magical armies that patrol each of their kingdoms. You have just entered a kingdom that is guarded by baby dragons that spit fireballs that explode on contact. Which game element would you categorize the baby dragons?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Minnions

  • Boss

  • Avatar

  • Enemy


Frage 12 von 20


You must cross a swamp filled with angry alligators and swamp monsters without being seen or killed. You have just lost everything in your backpack and have no weapons. What element would you use to complete the level?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Exploring Mechanic

  • Potion Mechanic

  • Avoiding Mechanic

  • Environment Mechanic


Frage 13 von 20


Which is an example of a game level goal?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Navigating the game space from beginning to end within a set time limit.

  • Locating, collecting and using a set of color coded keys and locks within the level to open an Exit door.

  • Collecting enough golden coins to pay the gate keeper at the exit gate.

  • All of the above


Frage 14 von 20


Your character has been poisoned by a spider bite and will die if they do not reach the healer in time. You can increase your chances of reaching the healer by locating and eating a special berry that grows along the path to keep up your strength periodically. You can monitor how long your character can race along the path before stopping to locate some berries by keeping an eye on what item?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Health Meter

  • Frag Counter

  • Score Keeper


Frage 15 von 20


You must escape from the prison you are being held in since you were captured by the enemy soldiers. You have to find away to escape without touching the prison walls, which are made of material mortally wounds anyone who tries to touch it. What game design element was used to harm the players and make it more difficult for them to escape the level?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Magic Locks

  • Frag Block

  • Damage Block

  • Blasting Block


Frage 16 von 20


A game that allows the player to view the game from the side is a Platformer Perspective.

Wähle eins der folgenden:

  • WAHR


Frage 17 von 20


A player must sometimes use logic, clues and or combining special items to complete a puzzle to beat a level. What game mechanic component is being used by the player to complete the quest?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Solving Mechanic

  • Exploring Mechanic

  • Collecting Mechanic

  • Blasting Mechanic


Frage 18 von 20


Which of the following is the Core Element of Game Design?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Perspective, Items, Actions, Wins, Losses

  • Levels, Points, Powers, Scores, Damages

  • Space, Components, Mechanics, Goals, and Rules


Frage 19 von 20


The classic arcade game, Pac-Man is an example of a Platformer Perspective.

Wähle eins der folgenden:

  • WAHR


Frage 20 von 20


A Wraparound space is any space that a sprite exits off one side of the screen and appears on the opposite side of the screen.

Wähle eins der folgenden:

  • WAHR
