Erstellt von Antonio Torres
vor etwa 4 Jahre
Identify muscle #4
Identify muscle #3
Identify the muscle indicated by the dotted rectangle
Identify the indicated muscle
Identify the indicated muscle
Identify the indicated muscle
Identify the muscle indicated by the red box.
Which muscle is #2?
Identify the muscle indicated by the red box
Identify the muscle indicated by the red box
Identify the indicated muscle
Identify the indicated muscle
Identify the indicated muscle.
Identify the Indicated muscle.
Identify the indicated muscle.
Which of the following is an action/are actions of the pectoralis major?
Which of the following is an action/are actions of the latissimus dorsi?
Which of the following is an action/are actions of the teres major?
Which of the following is an action/are actions of the trapezius on the shoulder?
Which of the following is an action/are actions of the deltoid?
Which of the following is an action/are actions of the supraspinatus?
Which of the following is an action/are actions of the subscapularis?
What is the action of the infraspinatus?
What is the action of the pectoralis minor?
What is the action of the serratus anterior?
What is the action of the rhomboid major?
What is the action of the rhomboid minor?
What is the action of the levator scapulae
What is the action of the teres major?
What are the actions of the coracobrachialis?
Identify the indicated muscle
Identify the indicated muscle
Identify the indicated muscle
Identify the indicated muscle
Identify the indicated muscle
Identify the indicated muscle
Identify the indicated muscle
Identify the indicated muscle
Identify the indicated muscle
Identify the indicated muscle
Identify the indicated muscle
Identify the indicated muscle
Identify the indicated muscle
Identify the indicated muscle group
Identify the indicated muscle
Identify the indicated muscle
Identify the indicated muscle
Identify the indicated muscle
Identify the indicated muscle
What is the action of the zygomaticus major?
Action of the depressor labii inferioris
What is the action of the risorius?
What is the action of the levator labii superioris?
What is the action of the frontalis belly of the epicranius?
What is the action of the orbicularis oculi??
What is the action of the orbicularis oris?
What is the action of the medial pterygoid muscle?
What is the action of the lateral pterygoid muscles?
What is the action of the trapezius on the head and neck?
What is the action of the splenius capitis?
What is the action of the sternocleidomastoid?
What are the actions of the scalenes?
What muscle causes superior and medial rotation of the eye?
What muscle causes inferior and medial rotation of the eye?
What muscle causes medial rotation of the eye?
What muscle causes lateral rotation of the eye?
Which muscle causes superior and lateral rotation of the eye?
Which muscle causes inferior and lateral rotation of the eye?
Identify the indicated muscle
Identify the indicated muscle
Identify the indicated muscle
What is the action of the rectus abdominis?
What is the action of the transverse abdominis?
What are the actions of the internal oblique?
Identify the indicated muscle
Identify the indicated muscle
Identify the indicated muscle
Identify the indicated muscle
Identify the indicated muscle
Identify the indicated muscle
Identify the indicated muscle
Identify the indicated muscle
Identify the indicated muscle
Identify the indicated muscle
Identify the indicated muscle
Identify the indicated muscle
Identify the indicated muscle
What is the action of the triceps brachii?
What is the action of the supinator?
What is the action of the pronator teres?
What is the action of the flexor carpi radialis?
What is the action of the flexor carpi ulnaris?
What is the action of the palmaris longus?
What is the action of the extensor carpi radialis longus?
What is the action of the extensor digitorum?
What is the action of the extensor carpi ulnaris?
What is the action of the extensor digit minimi?
What is the action of the brachialis?
What is the action of the brachioradialis?
What is the action of the biceps brachii?
Identify the indicated muscle
Identify the indicated muscle
Identify the indicated muscle
Identify the indicated muscle
Identify the indicated muscle
Identify the indicated muscle
Identify the indicated muscle
Identify the indicated muscle
Identify the indicated muscle
Identify the indicated muscle
Identify the indicated muscle
Identify the indicated muscle
Identify the indicated muscle
Identify the indicated muscle
Identify the indicated muscle
Identify the indicated muscle
Identify the indicated muscle
Identify the indicated muscle
Identify the indicated muscle
Identify the indicated muscle
What is the action of the gracilis muscle
What is the action of the adductor longus muscle?
What is the action of the adductor magnus muscle?
What is the action of the rectus femoris muscle?
What is the action of the semimembranosus muscle?
What is the action of the semitendinosus muscle?
What is the action of the iliopsoas muscle?
What is the action of the vastus lateralis muscle?
What is the action of the vastus medialis muscle?
What is the action of the vastus intermedius muscle?
What is the action of the biceps femoris muscle?
What is the action of the gluteus maximus muscle?
What is the action of the gluteus medius muscle?
What is the action of the tensor fasciae latae muscle?
What is the action of the piriformis muscle?
What is the action of the tibialis anterior?
What is the action of the gastrocnemius?
What is the action of the soleus?
What is the action of the tibialis posterior?
Which is the multipolar neuron?
Which is the bipolar neuron?
Which is the unipolar neuron?
Identify the structure indicated by the arrow
Identify the structure indicated by the arrow
Identify the structure indicated by the arrow
Identify the structure indicated by the arrow
Identify the indicated structure
Identify the indicated cells
Identify the indicated cells
Identify the indicated cell
Identify the indicated cells
What is a function of astrocytes?
What is a function of Schwann cells?
What is a function of satellite cells?
What is a function of microglial cells?
What is the function of ependymal cells?
What is a function of oligodendrocytes?
Identify the structure indicated by the arrow
Identify the structure indicated by the arrow
Identify the structure indicated by the arrow
Identify the wide area indicated by the arrow
Identify the wide area indicated by the arrow
Identify the structure indicated by the arrow
Identify the structure indicated by the arrow
Identify the structure indicated by the arrow
Identify the structure indicated by the arrow
Identify the area indicated by the arrow
Identify the area indicated by the arrow
Identify the area indicated by the arrow
Identify the area indicated by the arrow
Identify the structure indicated by the arrow
Identify the structure indicated by the arrow
Identify the structure indicated by the arrow
Identify the structure indicated by the arrow
Identify the area indicated by the arrow
Identify the area indicated by the arrow
Identify the indicated component of the reflex arc
Identify the indicated component of the reflex arc
Identify the indicated component of the reflex arc
Identify the indicated component of the reflex arc
Identify the indicated nerve
Identify the indicated nerve
Identify the indicated nerve
Identify the indicated nerve
Identify the indicated nerve
Muscle that is innervated by the phrenic nerve
Muscles innervated by the axillary nerve
Muscles that are innervated by the radial nerve
Muscles that are innervated by the femoral nerve
Muscles that are innervated by the obturator nerve
Muscles that are innervated by the tibial nerve
Muscles that are innervated by the common fibular nerve