Erstellt von Maria-Lucille E.
vor etwa 4 Jahre
What are the (4) muscles of the scalp?
Which muscle of the scalp is an esthetician most concerned about?
What is the frontalis (muscle) and what does it do?
What is the occipitalis (muscle) and what does it do?
What are the temporalis (muscles) and what do they do?
What is the epicranius (muscle)?
What is the corrugator (muscle) and what does it do?
What is the orbicularis oculi (muscle) and what does it do?
What is the levator palpebrae superioris (muscle) and what does it do?
What are the (3) muscles of the ear?
What are the auricularis (muscles) and what do they do?
What are the (3) muscles of the eyebrow?
What are the (2) primary muscles of the nose?
What does the procerus (muscle) on the nose do?
What does the nasalis (muscle) on the nose do?
What do the corrugator and procerus (muscles) make up and why is this important for estheticians?
What is the buccinator (muscle) and what does it do?
What is the triangularis (muscle) and what does it do?
What is the depressor anguli oris (muscle) and what does it do?
What is the mentalis (muscle) and what does it do?
What is the orbicularis oris (muscle) and what does it do?
What is the levator anguli oris (muscle) and what does it do?
What is the risorius (muscle) and what does it do?
What is the levator labii superioris (muscle) and what does it do?
What is the quadratus labii superioris (muscle) and what does it do?
What is the zygomaticus major and minor (muscles) and what do they do?
What are the main muscles of mastication?
What is the masseter (muscle) and what does it do?
What do the masseter and temporalis (muscles) make up and why is this important for estheticians?
What are the (2) muscles of the neck?
What is the platysma (muscle) and what does it do?
What is the sternocleidomastoid (muscle) and what does it do?
What is the latissimus dorsi (muscle) and what does it do?
What is the pectoralis major and minor (muscles) and what does it do?