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Quiz am A2 Miracles, erstellt von LJ2015 am 16/05/2015.

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A2 Miracles

Frage 1 von 20


Which of the following are Exodus Miracles?

Wähle eine oder mehr der folgenden:

  • Staff becomes a Snake

  • 10 Plagues (e.g. Hailstones and death of first-born Egyptian sons)

  • Daniel and the Lions Den

  • The Resurrection

  • The parting of the Red Sea so that the Israelites can escape to safety

  • Jonah and the Whale

  • Jesus raising Lazarus from Death

  • Feeding of the 5000


Frage 2 von 20


The Resurrection is the most important miracle to Christians. Why is this? (Select Two)

Wähle eine oder mehr der folgenden:

  • Proof to Christians that, since Jesus was resurrected to eternal life, we will be too

  • Proof that Jesus is the Messiah; the son of God

  • Proof that there can be supernatural events

  • Proof that Hume is wrong


Frage 3 von 20


In the Gospel accounts it was said that the resurrection has to be literally interpreted: 'If Christ has not been raised, then our preaching has been in vain and your faith has been in vain.'

Wähle eins der folgenden:

  • WAHR


Frage 4 von 20


What do Miracles show about God's attributes?

Wähle eine oder mehr der folgenden:

  • He loves his creation and can respond to prayers of the faithful

  • He has power over nature, illness and death

  • He is not omniscient


Frage 5 von 20


Tillich believed that Miracles are 'Sign Events' (from book 'Systemic Theology'). Such that the seemingly trivial act of turning water into wine is in fact a sign of God's omnipotence. It is in this way that these small miracles can reveal more about God that the larger-scale miracles.

Wähle eins der folgenden:

  • WAHR


Frage 6 von 20


Form Critics are those who judge the miracle accounts based on Biblical analysis. What was the view of Rudolf Boltman?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • The Bible could simply be the inspired word of God, the reflections on Religious Experience.

  • The Bible could have been initially told by word-of-mouth and so have been and so may not be accurate - perhaps exaggerated for story telling

  • The Bible should be Demythologised, removing the supernatural elements, to find the true message of God.


Frage 7 von 20


Hume described a miracle as 'a transgression of a natural law by a particular volition of the deity'. He accepted the Violation definition however, this does not mean that they actually exist. We are limited to empirical knowledge, otherwise we have to make assumptions without evidence and the laws of nature that are possibly violated are Uniform (constant).

Wähle eins der folgenden:

  • WAHR


Frage 8 von 20


Which of the following are Hume's four practical arguments AGAINST the existence of Miracles?

Wähle eine oder mehr der folgenden:

  • Ineffable (beyond description in ordinary language)

  • There is a single miracle - Creation

  • There are not enough sane and educated witnesses

  • From our natural interest in the unusual, religious people spread their false miracle stories in this good cause

  • It is merely the religious interpretation

  • Miracles are only claimed by the 'ignorant and barbarous nations' and that don't happen as often in modern times. (Before the age of political correctness)

  • The miracle stories in many religions cannot all be true - whilst aiming to prove themselves they cancel each other out.


Frage 9 von 20


Modern theologian Maurice Wiles believed in...

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • No God + Miracles

  • God + Miracles

  • No God + No Miracles

  • God + No Miracles


Frage 10 von 20


Who said that God is only creator and sustainer of the world, not a miracle granter?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Hume

  • Aquinas

  • Wiles

  • Tillich


Frage 11 von 20


With reference to the problem of evil, Flew questioned how God can turn water in to wine but ignore the mass atrocities of Auschwitz.

Wähle eins der folgenden:

  • WAHR


Frage 12 von 20


According to Wiles, what do Miracles mean for God? He is _______ or __________.

Wähle eine oder mehr der folgenden:

  • Arbitrary - based on random choice

  • Not omniscient

  • not existing

  • Partisan - not fair; supportive or biased towards one group (such as the Israelites)


Frage 13 von 20


St. Thomas Aquinas believed in...

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • No God + No Miracles

  • No God + Miracles

  • God + No Miracles

  • God + Miracles


Frage 14 von 20


According to Aquinas, for an event to deserve the title of 'Miracle' it should...

Wähle eine oder mehr der folgenden:

  • Be beyond human reasoning

  • Be interepreted in a religious way

  • Be intrinsically wonderful

  • Have a cause which is completely unknown


Frage 15 von 20


Which of the following are the three ranks of miracles, as set by Aquinas?

Wähle eine oder mehr der folgenden:

  • Something interpreted in a religious sense, eg. the train stopped in time (Holland's train example)

  • Something done by God which nature could never do, eg. God making the sun and moon stay still so that Joshua and his army could return to camp safely)

  • Something that is a violation of the natural laws, eg. you drop a pencil and it hovers instead of falling due to gravity

  • Something God does that nature can but in a different sequence, eg. walking after being paralysed

  • Something God does that can usually be done by nature, e.g. raining without the elements


Frage 16 von 20


Swinburne objected to the violation definition because the laws of nature are only generalisations and can be changed according to new evidence such as miracles.

Wähle eins der folgenden:

  • WAHR


Frage 17 von 20


If the natural laws describe the actual chain of events, and so if a miracle violates the natural laws it distrups the actual course of events. This is self-contradictory. This was said by Alistair McKinnon.

Wähle eins der folgenden:

  • WAHR


Frage 18 von 20


Which scholar believed that we shouldn't believe in miracles because history tell us that water does not turn into wine and the dead stay dead?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • David Hume

  • Maurice Wiles

  • Paul Tillich

  • Anthony Flew


Frage 19 von 20


C.S. Lewis suggested that God, being perfectly good, would use his omnipotence to temporarily suspend the natural laws in response to praying like how a parent relaxes their bounderies in response to the child's pleading.

Wähle eins der folgenden:

  • WAHR


Frage 20 von 20


C.S. Lewis separated people into two kinds: Naturalist and Supernaturalists. What does he mean by this?

Wähle eine oder mehr der folgenden:

  • There are those which believe in the violation definition and those who do not

  • There are those who take a materialistic view and those who take a dualistic view. However, materialism/naturalism is self-defeating because it only assumes that we know for certain that the world is only material. This may not be the case.

  • Some people believe that there are not enough educated witnesses and some who believe that probability lies within the supernatural realm
