Erstellt von melissa.hobbs
vor fast 10 Jahre
Who coined the term 'La Perruque', and what does it mean?
What theory is Baudrillard?
Who's theory is about people rejecting Meta narratives, and what do they mean?
What is Bricolage?
What is post modern irony?
Define Postmodern identity.
What is cultural value?
Who coined the term, 'Beauty myth'?
What 2 theories did Laura Mulvey found?
Quote Germaine Greer.
Quote Simone De Beauvoir
Who coined Symbolic Boundaries and what is it?
Who coined Orientalism?
Binary oppositions were coined by who and what are their purpose?
What theory does Fiske follow?
What does Bourdieu say?
Name and define the 2 theories of Adorno!
Marcuse coined the term 'False needs'. Define and quote
Frankfurt School.
Who are they?
What do they generally believe?
Who coined the concept of winning and re-winning consent?
Althusser said what...? (X2)
Who claimed "Culture is ordinary" and what did they mean?
F R Leavis
Veblen's theory was..?
What kind of things does Bernays talk about?
Define commodity fetishism
False consciousness is...?
Alienation of workers
What other thing do Marxists believe leads to exploitation of workers?
What do Marxists call the economic structure?
Define Disneyfication
Acronym for Disneyization
Hybrid Consumption
Performative Labour
Market Liberalism coined consumer sovereignty, which is?
Free market