Erstellt von carlyreier
vor mehr als 11 Jahre
Allport's theory & definition of Personality
dynamic organization
Psychophysical systems
The Raw Materials of Personality
Criteria for an Adequate Personality Theory
measures living synthesis
criterion for a trait
Habit v. Trait
Attitude v. Trait
Individual Traits
Common Traits
Idiographic method
Nomothetic Method
Personal Disposition
Cardinal Disposition
Central Dispositions
Secondary Dispositions
The Proprium
Stages of development of the proprium
Development: sense of self-extension
Development: Emergence of Self-image
Development: Self as Rational Coper
Development: Emergence of Propriate Striving
need reduction
need induction
Development: Self as Knower
must conscience
ought conscious
Functional Autonomy
Criterion for a Theory of Motivation
Perserverative Functional Autonomy
Principles of Propriate Functional Autonomy
Allport focused on:
Characteristics of a Healthy Adult
Capacity for self-extension
emotional security
Motives and growth of an unhealthy person
Extrinsic religion
Intrinsic religion
Letters from Jenny
Expressive Behavior
Scale of Values
Concept of Humanity