Drew Bott
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iGCSE History Quiz am League of Nations - Formation , erstellt von Drew Bott am 13/02/2021.

Drew Bott
Erstellt von Drew Bott vor mehr als 3 Jahre

League of Nations - Formation

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The League of Nations was set up by the Treaty of ( Versailles, Paris, Washington ).

The League was Wilson's dream for a ( new world order, the US being a world policeman, another world war ) - a new way of conducting foreign affairs that would abolish ( war, poverty, communism ) and keep the world safe, but less than a quarter of a century later Wilson's dream lay in ruins.

Its aims

to stop wars
to encourage ( disarmament, rearmament )
to make the world a better place by improving people's working conditions and by tackling disease

Its organisation

an ( assembly, council, secretariat ), which met once a year
a council, which met more ( regularly, infrequently, when they felt like it ) to consider crises
a small secretariat to handle the paperwork
a Court of International ( Justice, hope, injustice )
a number of committees such as the International Labour Organisation and the Health Committee to carry out
its ( humanitarian, political, economic ) work

Its main strengths (in theory)

set up by the Treaty of Versailles, which every nation had signed.
( 58, 38, 18 ) nations as members by the 1930s.
to enforce its will, it could offer ( arbitration, punishment, money ) through the Court of International Justice, or apply trade ( sanctions, incentives, wars ) against countries that went to war.

Its main weaknesses (In practice!)

set up by the Treaty of Versailles (which every nation hated)
aims were too ( ambitious, realisitic, pessimistic )
( Germany, France, Britain ), Russia and the USA were not members
no army
organisation was ( cumbersome, efficient, effective )
decisions had to be ( unanimous, equitable, perfect )
