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Mindmap am Functions of sleep, erstellt von ellie_brookes199 am 04/06/2015.

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Functions of sleepEVOLUTIONARYRESTORATIONINTRO: Sleep is risky so musthave some form of survivalvalue, so can be classed as anadvantageous behaviour. WEBB -Sleep is instinctual that hascontributed to our survival so hasincreased our reproductivesuccess.CONSERVATION OF ENERGYESCAPE PREDATORSenergy is used to maintain body tempso sleep helps offset this demand.Sleep is a time of relative inactivitywhen energy is conserved.important for smallanimals with highmetabolic rates so shouldhave evolved to sleeplonger to conserve moreenergyBERGER & PHILLIPS - +vecorrelation metabolic rateand average amount ofsleepSHAPIRO ET AL -only conserves 15%energy but dependson having sufficientenergy and lack ofdisturbances.Dolphins sleepunilaterally so nevercompletely asleepsaving energystatus as predator or prey influences amount ofsleep. Prey species should have evolved to sleeplonger as they are inactive in sleep and lessdetectable. However, they should also sleep forshort periods to prevent being caught.ALLISON & CICCHETTI - sleep patterns of 39different species. -ve correlation between riskof predation and amount of sleepMETHODOLOGICAL FLAWS -correlational studies, cause and effect.Other factors like body size withexplains why prey species sleep more.HOLISTIC - difficult to testthat a sleep pattern existsbecause of evolution, justbecause it exists doesn't meanit has evolved.NREM SLEEP -physical restorationREM SLEEP- psychologicalrestorationINTRO: Oswald - purposeof sleep is to restoreenergy, eliminate wasteproducts, repair cells andrecover physical abilitieslost during wakefulness.important for repair: use up O2 duringwakefulness damaging cells. 'Cell repairhypothesis' states NREM minimises damagecaused by free radicals. Brain cells repairedduring NREM as brain activity is reduced &brain temp is ideal for enzymes to repaircells.SWS important forPHYS GROWTH, increasein release of growthhormone enablingprotein synthesis andcell growth. SWS alsoimportant for IMMUNEFUNCTIONING, antibodiesare regenerateddefending againstbacteria.benefits restoration and reorganisation ofCNS and brain development. % of REM muchhigher in babies supports this. Even higher inpremature infants. STERN & MORGANE -believe REM allows brain to replenish NT'sused throughout the day. Brain cells are ableto regain sensitivity for optimal performance.JOUVET - cats, REMdeprivation. up turnedflowerpots on water,cat placed on pot andfell asleep. NREMremained balanced, inREM lost tension andfell in. Learnt to sitwake up when theyfeel their heads nod.on average survived35 days withoutREM.Human research - PETER TRIPP - NY DJ stayed awake 201 hrs for charity andexperienced delusions and hallucinations such as spiders in shoes and thoughtdoctor was an undertaker. RANDY GARDNER, US high school student stayed awakefor 264 hrs. In the days following the 11 day period he recovered 50% of REM sleeplost and suffered no long term effects.METHODOLOGICAL ISSUES:no carefully controlled labconditions so lacks internalvalidity. May have experiencedperiods of 'microscope' suchas in shower or if friends fellasleep, so not truly sleepdeprived and effects lesssevere.ANIMAL RESEARCH - similarfindings across species. MichaelCorke stayed awake for 6months and suffereddementia, hallucinations &rapid weight loss until hisorgans shut down.Doppelklick auf diesen KnotenKlicke und ziehe diese Schaltfläche, um einen neuen Knoten zu erstellen