Martina Moran
Quiz von , erstellt am more than 1 year ago

Take this quiz on the origins of the universe and origins of humans

Martina Moran
Erstellt von Martina Moran vor mehr als 3 Jahre

ORIGINS universe/humans KNOWLEDGE TEST 1

Frage 1 von 7


1 What is meant by ex nihilo and which quality does it show God possesses

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • To create out of nothing - showing God is omnibenevolent

  • To create out of nothing - showing God is omnipotent

  • To create from existing materials showing God can order things in creation

  • The Big Bang showing God does not exist


Frage 2 von 7


2 What is meant by evolution?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • That things adapted and changed over time - the things most able to adapt survived to reproduce.

  • That the Genesis creation story shows that things are 'fixed' and do not change


Frage 3 von 7


3 What is meant by ‘imago Dei?’

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • That all living things are made in the image of God

  • That humans are made in the image of God and therefore God will look like us

  • That humans have the ability to know and appreciate goodness and therefore share a likeness with God


Frage 4 von 7


Fülle die Lücken, um den Text zu vervollständigen.

Complete this quote from the Catechism of the Catholic church about God's role in creation of the world.
'God created the ; freely, and any help'


Frage 5 von 7


Choose all the statements that reflect a fundamental Christian attitude towards the roles of science, religion and the Bible

Wähle eine oder mehr der folgenden:

  • Evolution is the best explanation that we currently have for the existence of our species. Evolution does not rule our the role of God

  • Evolution cannot be true. The Bible is inerrant and contains the complete truth. There is a fixity of species.

  • Science and religion are not necessarily opposed. It is possible to believe in the big bang and the Genesis creation stories

  • God created the universe by his very word. The Big Bang cannot be true.

  • The Bible is literally the word of God. If it is contained in the Bible it is historically, scientifically and theologically true.

  • The Bible is a collection of books from many different genres. It requires careful, scholarly interpretation to arrive at the truth.

  • Adam and Eve were the first 2 people on earth. We are physical descendants of Adam and Eve

  • Adam and Eve represent humanity and the creation stories are myths - containing theological not scientific truths.


Frage 6 von 7


Complete the following paragraph:
Genesis 1 deals with the . Genesis 2 deals with the creation of . Both these stories reveal (truths about God). For example, both show God creating ex nihilo; this shows that God is . God is also because he makes human beings in his image and likeness. The theological term for this is '.'

Klicke und ziehe, um den Text zu vervollständigen.

    7 days of creation
    Adam and Eve
    theological truths
    Imago Dei
    Ex Nihilo
    Stephen and Charles
    Theory of Evolution
    scientific truths


Frage 7 von 7


Which of the following statements would be RELEVANT to include in an answer to the following statement:
Evolution is the best explanation for the origin of the universe.

Wähle eine oder mehr der folgenden:

  • Peter Singer accuses human beings of speciesism

  • Charles Darwin's work on the 'origin of species' suggested that things adapted over time

  • Fundamental Christians point to the idea that in the Bible there is a fixity of species

  • Stephen Hawking, in his work on Big Bang, shows that the universe can create itself ex nihilo

  • The Bible suggests that God is the origin of the universe since God created by his word 'Let there be..' and 'It was so'

  • Pope John Paul II said that 'evolution is more than a hypothesis'
