Erstellt von Anne Schubert
vor mehr als 9 Jahre
Where can we find traces of the Renaissance in English culture?
New Age:
1492 - seen as single most important date in history; marks watersehd: devides medival and modern history (discovery of America)
1500: almost everyone on engl. Isles was Catholic
obsession with France terminated: pol. & econ. resources could be used: new possibilities
gradual emerg. of engl. Empire (wealth)
Renaissance: Rebirth
Victorian "inventor" of Renaissance: Walter Pater (Studies in the History of the Renaissance, 1874)
Humanism aproaches
emergence of print culture (Gutenberg, 1453): cheaper books, wide spread, increasing literacy and faster communication
- many classical texts already known in the middle Ages, but only in Latin translation: inconcrete!
- cultural exchange and transfer increased in speed & intensity
- growth of urban culture
- latin is language of learning, greek rediscovered (Aristoteles); Italian and French dominant living languages
1453: capture of Constantinoble (rediscovering of ancient writings & art of Romans, more worldly - less religious; gothic architecture changes to more playful one with ornaments)
-> last engl. territories lost in France: end of 100 years war
Describe the impact of the Reformation on England and on the British Isles!
Reformation originated in Germany and Switzerland with Luther, Calvin & Zwingli
Protestantism: attempt to reform church from within -> worldlyness & wealthyness: break occured between catholic & protestant church
Luther challanged the papacy outright,
good works and catholic sacraments are insufficant,
ideas began to penetrate colleges and citiy of London in 1520s,
voicing mistrust of Pope and church
Henry VIII & the Break with Rome: Englisch Reformation
Henry wanted to divorce 1st wife (Catherine of Aragon), informed Pope - Pope refused
-> threw off allegiance to Rome with different acts
Act of Appeals (1533): king is sacred emperor
Act of Supremacy (1534): king is supreme head of engl. church
Act of Succession (1534): succession to throne
Act against the Pope's Authority (1536): complete break with Rome & Pope's authority
Henry VIII married 6 times:
6th wife widowed, others either killed or divorced
Anglican Church:
- in terms of theology similar to catholic church in the beginning: but it couldn't remain that close!
- strongest impact: dissolution of all monasteries - everything belonged to king
- very different from Continental Protestantism: Henry kept position as head of church
Henry VIII & the Break with Rome: Legacy
extraordinary achievements:
enlarged power of monarchy, establ. engl. church, gave church broad look for over 400 years to come, no religious wars, parliament strenghtened
did not adapt protestantism: found a middle way
religious struggles later in 17th cent (beheading of a king)
results of Reformation were very divisive:
caused huge internal devisions -> divided catholic Ireland from England and Scottland; cut off the Isles from the rest of Europe -> isolation on all sides produced by anglican church
nearest friendly ports for Protestant ships from London:
Bremen, Hamburg, London
catholic minority was discriminated
cultural isolation from 1544 onwards; Scottland was Calvinist
Outline English foreign policy in the 16th century and also consider its role as a rising power!
South of England:
dominance of the south towards the rest of England: impact of the Reformation
great power of religious groups: conflict between anglican church and puritans
growth of London:
because of trade & crafts
10x larger than any other engl. city
surrounded by rich farming districts
new safety in England:
why? - French unlikely to cross channel by force, also the Irish unlikely to cross the Irish sea by force (defeated earlier in 1603 'Problem of Ulster'); Scottland and Wales had no military power
heart of England became one of the safest locations in the world
England had unusual confidence and a will to expand
The race for the Globe:
Spain: not only enemy in terms of Europe & religion but also a competitor in Caribbean & south America (France and England conquered north america)
early 1600: English were no serious competitors for the race for the globe -> slow start
by 1500 (100 years after Columbus): no single English colonial venture had taken root -> first successful american colony in 1601
Role of Maritime Ventures:
England's turn to the ocean came to her rescue: lief-line to outside-world & foreign trade
1600: East India Company was founded: imitation of Dutch-model, principles of mercantilism (fixed entity: export more than import)
secure permament place in 1st place
The Spanish Armada:
1588: great test of Elizabeth I. reign
spain sent powerful fleed to England -> fear of catholic rebellion
spanish ships mostly destroyed by storms; no battle
-> England emerged to primar naval power in world