Erstellt von Sophie Eileen Powell
vor fast 10 Jahre
What are the non-renewable energy resources?
What do we know about non-renewable energy resources?
What are the renewable energy resources?
What do we know about renewable energy resources?
How can energy sources be burned to drive turbines in power stations?
What are nuclear reactors?
What is wind power?
What are the positives and negatives of using wind turbines?
How do solar cells generate electricity?
What are the positives and negatives of using solar cells?
How is hydroelectric power generated?
What are the positives and negatives of making hydroelectric power?
How does pumped storage give an extra supply of electricity when needed?
How does waves power work?
What are the positive and negatives of wave power?
How do tidal barrages work?
What are the positives and negative of tidal barrages?
How is geothermal energy generated?
What are the positives and negatives of geothermal energy?
How can biofuels be used to generate electricity?
How are biofuels made and what can they be?
How are fossil fuels a non-renewable energy sources linked to other environmental problems?
How is nuclear power, a non-renewable energy resource linked to other environmental problems?
What are the disadvantages of biofuels?
How can carbon capture reduce the impact of carbon dioxide?
What factors do people have to think about when setting up a power station?
How can the set-up cost of power stations vary?
How can the set-up/decommissioning time vary with different power stations?
How can the reliability of power stations vary?
How can the running/fuel costs vary with different power stations?
How can environmental issues vary with different power stations?
How do location issues vary with different power stations?