Erstellt von That Yeti Dog Person
vor mehr als 3 Jahre
_____ limits the flow of current in a circuit.
In ~electronic~ circuits, resistance is usually provided by devices such as ____, ______, and ____.
In ~electrical~ circuits, resistance is often provided by _____ or ______, ____, _____, or other such devices.
The major difference between electrical and electronic devices is that _____ devices convert energy into another form of energy like light or sound. Whereas _____ devices control the flow of electrons for performing a particular task.
Resistance may also be provided by _____, which are the devices that perform useful work.
_____ resistance may be created by light bulbs, heating elements, and motors that produce a physical effect such as light, heat, or motion.
______ can cause a fuse to blow, a circuit breaker to trip, or a power supply to shut down due to the overcurrent condition.
The prefixes "__" and "___" stand for mega (one million".
_____ is a measure of electrical pressure in a circuit.
Voltage is sometimes referred to as _____, which means that the voltage in an electrical circuit has the "potential" to do work.
Voltage is also referred to as _______ (EMF).
A _____ is an electrical device that converts AC current to DC current.
The process of converting AC to DC is called _____.
In a _____ circuit, components are connected end-to-end.
In a _____ circuit, components are connected across each other.
A ______ circuit is a ~combination~ of a series circuit and a parallel circuit.