Monique Preston
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Quiz am Physical Wellbeing Quiz, erstellt von Monique Preston am 24/06/2015.

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Monique Preston
Erstellt von Monique Preston vor mehr als 9 Jahre

Physical Wellbeing Quiz

Frage 1 von 30


what is Health fitness?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • A key component of wellness and important for the treatment and prevention of hypokinetic disease

  • Important for performing a motor skill better, typically a sport skill

  • A key component of wellness

  • Important for the treatment and prevention of hypokinetic disease


Frage 2 von 30


Moderate intensity activities:

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • require some effort but you should still be able to talk while doing them

  • require extreme effort

  • are not recommend for elderly people

  • cause shortness of breath which make talking difficult


Frage 3 von 30


With regards to anaerobic exercise, which statement is FALSE?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • The main functional outcome of anaerobic exercise is to move quickly and deliver great force

  • Anaerobic exercise is performed for long distances or time periods

  • Anaerobic exercise is short duration exercise completed without the aid of oxygen

  • Anaerobic exercise positively affects resting metabolic rate


Frage 4 von 30


Which fitness principle relates to exercise being relevant and appropriate for the desired outcome?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Reversibility

  • Progressive overload

  • Specificity

  • Recovery


Frage 5 von 30


People engage in sports

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • for personal satisfaction

  • for enjoyment

  • for the opportunity to attain victory

  • all three are reasons why people engage in sports


Frage 6 von 30


In the Australian Health Survey 2011-12, ______% of adults met the sufficiently active threshold.

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • 27%

  • 43%

  • 56%

  • 19%


Frage 7 von 30


Most people in sports support a “Don’t ask, don’t tell” policy about homosexuality because:

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Gay men and lesbian women do not want to come ‘out’

  • There are very few homosexual people who play sport

  • Gay men and lesbian women have the freedom to express their sexuality

  • Gay men and lesbian women have too much to lose if they challenge traditional gender ideology


Frage 8 von 30


In Australia, those least likely to be active are:

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • females, those born overseas and people with higher incomes

  • females, teenagers and people with lower socioeconomic status

  • males, Indigenous Australians and older adults

  • females, Indigenous Australians and people with lower socioeconomic status


Frage 9 von 30


The elimination of racial and ethnic exclusion in sports is likely to occur when:

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • People with power and control benefit from exclusion

  • Individual player success leads to promotions

  • The success of the team depends on friendships amongst the individual players

  • The entire team benefits from the achievements of individual team members


Frage 10 von 30


When are children ready to play organised competitive sports?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Once they have developed the social and cognitive abilities to cooperate and understand competitive sports

  • As early as possible

  • Never, children should not play competitive sports

  • Over the age of 9 years


Frage 11 von 30


Youth sports are growing in popularity and have undergone some recent changes. Which of the following trends have NOT occurred in youth sports?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • All of the listed trends have occurred in youth sports

  • Emphasis on performance ethic and elite, specialised sport-training programs

  • Privatisation of organised programs and emphasis on performance ethic

  • Greater focus on physical activity for development and decreased parent involvement


Frage 12 von 30


Which type of exercise is recommended for bone health?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Weight bearing endurance activities

  • Swimming endurance activities

  • Running endurance activities

  • All the listed activities are recommended for bone health


Frage 13 von 30


Which is NOT a physical activity recommendation for older adults (65 years +)?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Older adults should not perform vigorous physical activity

  • Activities should incorporate fitness, strength, balance and flexibility

  • Older adults should perform at least 30 mins of moderate intensity activity on most days

  • All the other statements are physical activity recommendations for older adults


Frage 14 von 30


With regards to obesity, which statement is TRUE?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • High levels of physical activity strongly contribute to obesity

  • All statements are true

  • In Australia, 75.5% of men and 57.2% of women are obese

  • Obesity is linked to chronic disease such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease and some cancers


Frage 15 von 30


Coronary heart disease is caused by a lack of blood supply to the heart muscle due the formation of plaques in the arteries. Relative to the following two statements:
I. Risk factors include age, obesity and physical inactivity

II. Regular physical activity lowers the risk by 4 times.

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Both statements are true.

  • Both statements are false

  • Only statement I is true

  • Only statement II is true


Frage 16 von 30


A waist circumference of ____ cm for males, and _____ cm for females indicates a substantially increased risk for developing type 2 diabetes, heart disease, stroke, hypertension and some cancers.

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • 90 and 84

  • 102 and 88

  • 94 and 80

  • 80 and 94


Frage 17 von 30


Informal or alternative sports emphasise the following experiences EXCEPT:

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Challenging experiences

  • Personal involvement

  • Set positions

  • Informal sports emphasise all the listed experiences


Frage 18 von 30


Jogging at a constant pace is an example of:

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Continuous training

  • Sustained training

  • Interval training

  • Intense training


Frage 19 von 30


Which statement is FALSE with regards to core strength and core training?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Core muscles are responsible for stabilising the spine

  • Pilates is a form of core training that is not recommended for athletes

  • 29 muscles attach to the body’s core

  • All of the other statements are false


Frage 20 von 30


The privatisation of organised programs may lead to:

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Higher levels of participation for all children

  • An increase in public funding for youth programs

  • Gender, ethnic and socioeconomic inequality

  • Better gender, ethnic and socioeconomic equality


Frage 21 von 30


According to the National physical activity recommendations for children:
I. For children 2 to 5 years of age, sitting and watching television and the use of other electronic media should be limited to less than one hour per day

II. Children younger than 2 years of age should not spend any time watching television or using other electronic media

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Only statement II is true

  • Both statements are true

  • Only statement I is true

  • Both statements are false


Frage 22 von 30


When prescribing strength training, the four primary variables to consider are:

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Resistance, weight, repetitions and sets

  • Resistance, sets, number of workouts per week and load

  • Weight, repetitions, sets and number of workouts per week

  • Weight, height, age and BMI


Frage 23 von 30


Sedentary behaviour:

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Is characterised by sitting or reclining posture and high energy expenditure

  • Is a sub-category of physical activity

  • Increases risk for cardiovascular related death

  • Increases risk for death from all causes by 80%


Frage 24 von 30


Australia's Physical Activity and Sedentary Behaviour Guidelines indicate that moving more and sitting less will:

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • reduce your risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes and weight gain

  • all of the other answers are correct

  • reduce your risk for all cancers

  • reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease, obesity and type 1 diabetes


Frage 25 von 30


Racial ideology refers to:

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • The ideas and beliefs that people use to give meaning to skin colour

  • Beliefs about racial sporting attributes based on research

  • The biological factors that make each race different from one another

  • Explanations about why some races are more suited to certain sports


Frage 26 von 30


Which is TRUE of sports and the major spheres of social life?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Sport is connected to religion in Asia but not in Europe

  • There has been a decline in media coverage of sports in recent years

  • Sports are connected to politics and education but not religion

  • Sports are connected to all major spheres of social life


Frage 27 von 30


he following factors influence participation in sport EXCEPT

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Educational attainment

  • Gender

  • Economic status

  • All of the listed factors influence participation in sport


Frage 28 von 30


When you stop exercising, you are likely to lose up to _____% of fitness improvements in 2 months:

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • 30%

  • 50%

  • 15 %

  • 75%


Frage 29 von 30


What strategies can be used to increase female participation in sport?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Use alternative definitions for masculinity and femininity

  • Emphasise the ‘cosmetic’ aspect of fitness

  • Classify all people as either male or female

  • Use alternative definitions for masculinity and femininity and Emphasise the ‘cosmetic’ aspect of fitness.


Frage 30 von 30


Hypertension is a chronic, persistent elevation of blood pressure. Relative to the following two statements:
I. There is an inverse relationship between physical activity levels and resting blood pressure

II. Modest increases in blood pressure reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Only statement I is true

  • Only statement II is true

  • Both statements are true

  • Both statements are false
