Erstellt von smrrc
vor mehr als 9 Jahre
Spore-forming aerobic gram positive bacilli
Non-spore forming aerobic gram positive bacilli
Are all Bacillus species found in soil?
Is Bacillus
catalase positive or negative?
Name the most common disease you can get from Bacillus cereus.
Enumerate the two forms of food poisoning
Type of hemolysis on agar plate produced by Bacillus cereus
How can you acquire anthrax?
The causative agent of woolsorter's disease
Three forms of anthrax
Describe the disease progression of cutaneous anthrax
Describe the pathology of inhalation anthrax
This form of anthrax is sometimes seen as oropharyngeal ulcerations with cervical adenopathy and fever
Give some complications of anthrax
Does recovery from anthrax confer infection?
Give some antibiotics used after anthrax exposure
Describe the characteristic appearance of Bacillus colonies
Bacteria associated with meat processors and veterinarians
Is congenital transmission possible for Listeriosis?
Fill in the data for Listeria monocytogenes
Appearance on Gram stain:
Oxygen requirements:
Spore formation:
Temperature requirements:
Hemolytic pattern:
Motility pattern:
Listeriosis is predominantly food-borne. Yes or No?
Agent of swine erysipelas and human erysipeloid
Small GP bacilli
Singly, short chains, filaments
Aerobic or FA
Catalase (-)
Erysipelothrix is resistant to what kind of environment?
Cutaneous human erysipelothrix infection consisting of localized cellulitis after acquisition through the skin
Specimen of choice for diagnosis of erysipelothrix infection
Medium for cultivation of Erysipelothrix
Triple Sugar Iron Agar Slant for Erysipelothrix:
H2s Positive or Negative?
Gram positive bacilli resembling "Chinese letters" and have a characteristic "dry colonial morphology"
Hallmark of corynebacterium disease
5 Complications of corynebacterium infection
How does corynebacterium invade the body?
Culture medium selective for Corynebacteirum diphtheriae (black to gray)
Culture medium differential for Corynebacteirum diphtheriae (black with brown halos)
Biochemical characteristics of Corynebacteirum diphtheriae