Martina Moran
Quiz von , erstellt am more than 1 year ago

A level Religious Studies Quiz am AVOIDING EVIL paper 1.2 Good and Evil, erstellt von Martina Moran am 10/04/2021.

Martina Moran
Erstellt von Martina Moran vor mehr als 3 Jahre

AVOIDING EVIL paper 1.2 Good and Evil

Frage 1 von 8


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( Aquinas, Augustine, Jesus ) gave ( five, four, seven, ten ) primary precepts that he believed would help humans do ( good, evil ) and avoid ( evil, good ). This is known as ( Natural, God's, Aquinas' ) Law. From the primary precepts we can work out if an action is morally right or morally wrong based on whether or not the action ( upholds, ignores, breaks ) the primary precepts.


Frage 2 von 8


Which of the following statements correctly describe Aquinas' Natural Law Theory

Wähle eine oder mehr der folgenden:

  • Humans should do good and avoid evil

  • Humans naturally do evil because they are sinful

  • Humans have been given reason to work out right from wrong

  • There are 5 primary precepts or laws which always need to be followed

  • If something breaks a precept it is sometimes still morally acceptable

  • If something upholds the primary precepts then it is good, if it breaks a precept it is evil

  • The 5 primary precepts are: Worship God, Order Society, Reproduce, Learn and Educate and Defend the innocent

  • The 5 primary precepts are Worship God, Receive the Sacraments, Do not Abort, Do not commit adultery and Reproduce


Frage 3 von 8


Select all the correct statements about Catholic teaching and the Conscience

Wähle eine oder mehr der folgenden:

  • The conscience can be wrong so you should ignore it

  • The conscience is just your minds idea of what is right and wrong

  • The Conscience is the voice of God within our hearts helping us to determine what is right and wrong

  • A good conscience must be educated by prayer, scripture, the magisterium and considering the consequences.

  • Although the conscience can be wrong a person must always follow it as to do otherwise would be to sin


Frage 4 von 8


Fülle die Lücken, um den Text zu vervollständigen.

Accurately complete this quote from the Catechism of the Catholic Church:
' the conscience is a long task '


Frage 5 von 8


Fülle die Lücken, um den Text zu vervollständigen.

Accurately complete the 2 sayings of Jesus from the Sermon on the mount. These are 2 things he told his followers to be.

'Be for the earth. '
' Be a light for the '


Frage 6 von 8


Complete the following paragraph about Jesus' moral teachings from the sermon on the mount:
Jesus said ' I have not come to the law but to fulfil it.' Jesus did not the old law rather he developed it. Instead of simply dealing with the of sin Jesus looks at the cause of sin. Jesus' new law tackles the cause of sin. This presents a challenge to his followers to look at having the right as well as the good action.

Klicke und ziehe, um den Text zu vervollständigen.

    care about


Frage 7 von 8


Fülle die Lücken, um den Text zu vervollständigen.

Change the Old Law to the New Law given by Jesus on the sermon on the mount:

Don't murder becomes don't be
Don't commit adultery becomes do not with at others
Hate your enemies becomes your
An eye for an eye becomes the other


Frage 8 von 8


Select the beatitude that Jesus stated in the sermon on the mount

Wähle eine oder mehr der folgenden:

  • Blessed are the powerful

  • Blessed are the gentle

  • Blessed are the persecuted

  • Blessed are the peacemakers

  • Blessed are those who want justice

  • Blessed are the rich

  • Blessed are those who mourn

  • Blessed are those who have many ancestors
