What type of an understanding can be called an ideology?
What is the difference between personal identity and collective identity?
What do individualist ideologies tend to advocate?
Explain Charles Dickens' point of view on the impact of classical liberalism on society.
Summarize the two different beliefs and values about children between classical and modern liberalism.
What is the mission of social studies?
What does one need in order to become an informed, responsible, and active citizen?
What do citizens need in order to participate in a democratic society?
What was Thomas Hobbes' view on human nature?
What is the doctrine of divine right of kings?
What did Locke say was the reason for government existence?
What was Rousseau's ideal state?
What is the definition of ideology?
According to Aldour Huxley's book Brave New World, what is the secret of happiness?
Where does hate come from according to Nelson Mandela?
To what extent does religion and spirituality influence ideology?
Describe the ideology known as "Green Politics".
What is the stated purpose of Francophone schools in Alberta?
What is a totalitarian state?
What is pluralism?
How does the Canadian government state its position on pluralism in the Multiculturalism Act of 1987?
What theme do Marxists and capitalists emphasize?
How is a free private market closely related to human freedom?
What is needed, according to Ovide Mercredi, in order to heal the Native people?
What opinion did Albert Einstein have about individualism?
What ideas does individualism stress the importance of?
Why were ancient cultures exclusively collectivist?
According to Inuit elder Mary Anulik Kutsiq, what happens as the population grows?
What gave the Roman Catholic Church their immense power?
Why was there very little individualism in political matters during the time of St. Augustine and Thomas Aquinas?
How did the protestant reformation contribute to the growth of individualism?
What does rule of law mean?
How do the First Nations, Metis, and Inuit view land ownership?
Why does Ronald A. Cass believe that rights to intellectual property are so important in our modern society?
What is a free market?
What is a welfare state?
What economic problem did Canadian economist John Kenneth Galbraith note about American society?