Erstellt von Julia Lake
vor mehr als 3 Jahre
Why do we need 2 trauma shoulder?
Trauma vs routine
What procedures can be used to identify dislocation/displaced fracture?
Anterior Glenohumeral Dislocation
Posterior Dislocation
Radiographic exams for AC dislocation
Radiographic exams for AC separation
AC joint separation pathology
Shoulder dislocation pathology
Rotator cuff injury pathology
Frozen shoulder pathology
Fracture humerus
A pt enters the ER with a definite fracture to the midhumerus. Due to other trauma the patient is unable to stand. Which lateral position would demonstrate the entire humerus?
Which type of injury must be ruled out before the weight-bearing phase of an AC joint study?
A pt enteres ER with a proximal and midhumeral fracture. the patient is in extreme pain, which projection routines would demonstrate the entire humerus without excessive movement of the limb?
A patient comes to the ER with a possible right AC joint separation. Right clavicle and AC joint exams are ordered. The clavicle is taken first, and a small linear fracture of the midshaft of the clavicle is discovered. What should the tech do in this situation?
Rotator cuff radiograph exam
Frozen shoulder radiograph exam
Hill-Sachs radiograph exam
A patient with a possible acromioclavicular seperation enters the ER room. Which routines should be used?