Erstellt von Tafe Teachers SB
vor mehr als 3 Jahre
What is the acronym used for verbal handover?
Normal BP range?
Normal RR range?
Normal HR range?
Normal temp range?
Normal SpO2 range?
Acceptable SpO2 range for most COPD patient's?
What are the rights and checks of drug administration?
What is the meaning of Stat?
What is the meaning of XR?
What is the meaning of Neb?
What is the meaning of QID?
What is the meaning of 6/24?
What is the meaning of OD?
What is the meaning of 1/24?
What is the meaning of TDS?
What is the meaning of Q12h?
Subcutaneous injection:
needle colour
Intramuscular injection:
needle colour
Drawing up needle:
needle colour
What is one thing we do for IMI that we do not do for subcut and why?
How would you perform a pain assessment on an unconscious patient or a patient with dementia?
Where would you find medications if they are not in the patient's draw?
2 signs and symptoms a patient might show if suffering from chest pain
What 2 things must you check before giving GTN?
2 signs and symptoms of a patient experiencing acute respiratory distress and what medication you would administer
5 nursing actions if a patient has a reaction (rash) to an IV antibiotic
2 indicators that make it appropriate for a MET call / code?
Identify 2 signs and symptoms of fluid overload and what medication you would administer
List 3 things you would check when observing an IVC site
Your patient's IV pump alarms saying occlusion downstream. What is the possible cause?
Normal BGL range?
3 components of neurological assessment?
3 components of neurovascular assessment?
What would you do if BGL 3.5mmol/L
2 signs and symptoms of a narcotised patient?
What drug will be administered for opioid overdose (narcotised patient)?
Define CVA
Define CAD
Define angina
Define angioplaty
Define bowel resection
Define COPD
Define epilepsy
Define hemiplegia
Define dysphagia
Define hypercholesterolemia
Define HTN
Define type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM)
Define glaucoma
Define fluid overload
Define abbreviation N/S
Define abbreviation:
Define abbreviation BGL's
Define abbreviation HR
Define abbreviation #NOF
Define abbreviation NP
Define abbreviation SOB
Define abbreviation HTN
Define abbreviation CAD
Define abbreviation PCA