1. Surah ‘Ghafir’ is also known as?
Surah At Tawbah
Surah Al Mursalat
Surah Al Mo’min
2. Allah ﷻ has described Himself in Surah ‘Ghafir” as?
Powerful and Mighty
Forgiver of sins
Most Merciful
Acceptor of repentance
3. The Angels holding the throne of Allah ﷻ make dua for those who seek sincere repentance?
To forgive their sins
To keep them happy and free from worries in this duniya
To increase their wealth
To unite them with their families in Jannah
4. Prophet ﷺ gave the example of some types of people, they are....?
‘Some people are doors to good and keys to bad’
‘Some people are keys to good and locks to bad’
‘Some people are locks to good and doors to bad’
5. Dua is the essence of Ibadah (worship)