Case Number Four. Fig. 4
Courtesy Dr. Craig Fischgrand, Livingston
A 52-year-old white female presented with a small, firm swelling on the labial surface of the interdental papilla between her left mandibular central and lateral incisors. The red papule, involving the free gingival margin of the lateral incisor, measured 3 mm in diameter. Radiographs were within normal limits and adjacent teeth were vital. There were no other significant oral lesions. The patient’s recent medical history included hypertension, pre-diabetes, gastro-esophageal reflux disease, and thyroid cancer. Her medications included Synthroid, Nexium, Prozac, Darvon, and Atorvastatin. A lesion at this site had been removed twice previously by another dentist. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
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