Emier Villanueva
Quiz von , erstellt am more than 1 year ago

Unit Operations (Diffusion) Quiz am Diffusion Quiz 3_Villanueva, erstellt von Emier Villanueva am 05/08/2015.

Emier Villanueva
Erstellt von Emier Villanueva vor etwa 9 Jahre

Diffusion Quiz 3_Villanueva

Frage 1 von 10


A dimensionless number that represents the ratio of the molecular momentum diffusivity and the molecular mass diffusivity.

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Schmidt Number

  • Biot Number

  • Sherwood Number

  • Prandtl Number


Frage 2 von 10


When a detailed comparison of mass-transfer correlations is not available, which of the following heuristics may be useful?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Semiempirical correlations are often preferred to purely empirical or purely theoretical correlations.

  • Correlations with broader data bases are often preferred.

  • More recent data is often preferred to older data.

  • All of the choices.

  • None of the choices.


Frage 3 von 10


The quantity obtained by dividing each mass-transfer coefficient by the flow rate of the phase is called the:

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • HTU

  • NTU

  • J*

  • NOG


Frage 4 von 10


What is the diffusivity of caproic acid in air at 250 kPa and 30 C?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • 0.0948 ft2/hr

  • 0.0794 ft2/hr

  • 0.0468 cm2/s

  • 0.0864 cm2/s


Frage 5 von 10


Prediction of Liquid Diffusivity. Predict the diffusion coefficient of acetone in water at 25C with up to 20% error.

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • 2.4 E-06

  • 2.8 E-06

  • 3.2 E-06

  • 3.6 E-06


Frage 6 von 10


Acetic acid is flowing through air and it is contained in a 5-m long tube at 101.325 kPa and at 25C. At one point, the partial pressure of acetic acid is PA1 = 70.4 kPa and at the other end, PA2 = 30.6 kPa. If the total pressure inside the tube is constant, calculate the flux of acetic acid at steady state for equimolar counterdiffusion.

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • 4

  • 5

  • 6

  • 7


Frage 7 von 10


The gaseous molecular diffusion flux of A is 4.0 E-07 gmoles/s-cm2 at 298 K and 1 atm. What will be the bulk velocity in cm/s if the diffusion flux relative to a stationary observer is 8.0 E-07 gmole/s-cm2 and the mole fraction of A is 0.015?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • 0.65

  • 0.32

  • 1.45

  • 0.18


Frage 8 von 10


Ethyl alcohol is diffusing into an alcohol-water solution at 18C. The concentration of alcohol in the bulk of the solution is negligible, while that at the surface of the solution is 2.6 M. The film thickness is 0.15 m and the diffusivity is 1 E-05 cm2/s. The mass of alcohol diffusing through 100 ft2 of interface per hour is:

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • 5.61lb

  • 6.64 lb

  • 3264 g

  • 1654 g


Frage 9 von 10


The diffusivity of hydrogen peroxide in air at 60 C and 1 atm is 0.188 cm2/s. How much estimated error does Chen and Othmer diffusivity empirical correlation have based on the Wilke-Lee diffusivity correlation?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • 7.3 %

  • 7.0 %

  • 6.8 %

  • 7.6 %


Frage 10 von 10


Carbon dioxide (solute) and air found inside a 0.5-m long tube. At one end, the partial pressure of water is 15.325 kPa and 58.325 kPa at the other end. What is the flux assuming that the total pressure inside the tube is constant. The total pressure of the tube is 101.325 kPa at 25 C. Assume 5.4 % error for the diffusivity constant.

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • 0.0054

  • 0.0068

  • 0.0076

  • 0.0043
