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“Edward Bloom has been ( making up, growing up, make up for, comes down with, pass away ) fantastic stories all his life. While his son Will was ( making up, growing up, comes down with, pass away, make up for ), he wasn't around much, but he always made sure to tell his stories whenever he could. Ed tells his stories over the years to everyone he meets. At first, he does it to ( pass away, making up, comes down with, make up for, growing up ) the time he spent away from his family. Later, he tells them because everyone enjoys the stories so much. However, Will believes most of them are lies and this lets his father down. Eventually, Ed ( growing up, comes down with, making up, make up for, pass away ) a deadly illness. Will finally understands his father and tells the final story of his life and death. This allows Ed to ( comes down with, growing up, pass away, making up, make up for ) in peace. At the end, Will also become a storyteller and realizes that old Edward Bloom will live forever through his stories”