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AP US History Quiz am Chpt. 14 Quiz, erstellt von ricbou2015 am 05/11/2013.

Erstellt von ricbou2015 vor mehr als 10 Jahre

Chpt. 14 Quiz

Frage 1 von 16


Which of the following was NOT a risk associated with life on the frontier?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Disease

  • Insanity

  • Depression

  • Alien Abduction


Frage 2 von 16


Which of the following is NOT a species that was depleted by western settlers and frontiersmen?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Enhydra lutris

  • Bison bison

  • Bunodactis stelloides

  • Castor canadensis


Frage 3 von 16


Which of the following states was NOT admitted to the Union before 1860?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Illinois

  • Minnesota

  • Wisconsin

  • Kansas

  • Oregon

  • Florida

  • Kentucky


Frage 4 von 16


Which of the following is NOT a reason that many European immigrants came to America?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • They were attracted by the promise of a democratic government.

  • They wanted to be free from oppressive state churches.

  • They wished to take advantage of the multiple opportunities for acquiring land.

  • They wanted to meet Chuck Norris in person.


Frage 5 von 16


Which of the following immigrant groups had the largest impact on the American political system?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • The Irish

  • The Germans

  • The Wookies

  • Chuck Norris OWNS the American political system, fool.


Frage 6 von 16


Which of the following inventions was instrumental in the start of the Industrial Revolution in America?

Wähle eine oder mehr der folgenden:

  • The Cotton Gin

  • The Tesla Coil

  • Textile Machinery

  • The Automatic Rifle


Frage 7 von 16


Which of the following is NOT a reason that the Northern States were ideally suited to a factory-based economy?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • The Northern soil was poor, discouraging farming.

  • The rivers of the North were fast and narrow, ideal for water-powered mills.

  • The high population density of the North provided plenty of labor and market consumers.

  • The tribes of Northern Dwarves showed the humans many techniques for forging, craftsmanship, and industry, improving their efficiency and skill.


Frage 8 von 16


Which of the following is a direct descendant of mass production as Eli Whitney envisioned and pioneered?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • The 20th Century Fox movie studio (Dun-da-da-daaa, dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-daaaaaa!)

  • Henry Ford's Assembly Line

  • The New York Metro System

  • Chuck Norris's granny baking delicious cookies with the blood of his enemies


Frage 9 von 16


Which of the following BEST explains why it is a good idea to become a rich factory owner and not a penniless laborer in 1860?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Because laborers are lame

  • Because laborers have no rights

  • Because becoming rich off of other people's suffering and unscrupulous business methods is good spiritual fulfillment and contributes to your moral strength and equity

  • Because Chuck Norris says that you should, and not doing what Chuck Norris says is a REALLY BAD IDEA


Frage 10 von 16


Which of the following was NOT an invention that hugely impacted western farming in the former half of the 19th century?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • John Deere's steel plow

  • Cyrus McCormick's mechanical mower-reaper

  • Spock's mind-meld-in-a-box

  • Robert Fulton's steam-powered riverboat


Frage 11 von 16


Which of the following regions is correctly paired with its economic strength?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • The North; large-scale cotton production

  • The South; large-scale factory production

  • The Midwest; large-scale grain production

  • The Westfarthing; large-scale Longbottom Leaf production


Frage 12 von 16


Which of the following was NOT an invention that influenced the Industrial Revolution in America?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Eli Whitney's Cotton Gin

  • Samuel Morse's Telegraph

  • John Deere's Steel Plow

  • Vilden Madoff's Twin Ion Engine Starfighter


Frage 13 von 16


Which of the following is NOT a true statement?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • The German immigrants kept largely to themselves, preserving their culture and language

  • The evolution of the American Transportation System allowed landlocked Midwestern states access to larger, further afield markets for their crops.

  • As the American settlers pushed west, they changed the landscape by introducing nonnative species, clearing the land, and decimating native species.

  • Chuck Norris is not the most powerful force in the Universe.


Frage 14 von 16


Which of the following disasters would MOST LIKELY have the most direct impact on the economy of the state with which it is paired?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • widespread flooding; Oregon

  • corn blight; Connecticut

  • multiple industrial fires; New York

  • alien invasion; Texas


Frage 15 von 16


If personified by an animal, the American West would most accurately be symbolized by which of the following?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • The American Buffalo

  • The European Pig

  • The Klingon Targh

  • The Pacific Northwest Tree Octopus


Frage 16 von 16


Which of the following famous fictional characters would MOST LIKELY laugh at a tasteless joke about women and children's labor rights in the 1800s?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Santa Claus

  • Count Olaf

  • Clark Kent

  • Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore
