Erstellt von Antonio de Moura Rodrigues
vor mehr als 11 Jahre
Life is an eternal conquest of ideals and dreams unfulfilled.
Do not just gain wisdom, one must
use it .(Cícero)
It is better to conquer yourself than to win a thousand battles. (Buddha)
Fight for love is good, but to achieve it without fighting is best. (William Shakespeare)
If love is fantasy, ultimately I find myself in full carnival.
(Toquinho and Mutinho)
Win is not sufficient. We must learn to seduce.(Voltaire)
You know what is the reason for my smile everyday? The first word of that phrase.
In man, the desire begets love. In women, love begets desire. (Jonathan Swift)
In vengeance and in love woman is more barbarous than man.
(Friedrich Nietzsche)
True love has no happy ending, because true love never ends.
(Miley Cyrus)
Does not love the same woman twice.
(Machado de Assis)