Erstellt von Kara Biczykowski
vor mehr als 3 Jahre
1) the job of project mgmt includes:
2) project managers often see the project thru all the way from:
3) the 2 methods of managing a project are:
1) what is "partnering?"
2) what is the advg of partnering?
3) what is the disadvantage of partnering?
1) project managers should coord. activities of:
2) the project manager is often found as a central role to:
-take part in team marketing efforts
-take part in writing proposals & fee estimates
-take part in preparing the agreement btwn arch & owner
-assemble the project team
-sch meetings & coord. progress among all team members
-manage the personnel assigned to the project
-take part in resolving conflicts among team members
-be the primary link btwn principals & project team
-process all change orders, certificates for payment, work authorizations, & sim doc's
-make sure that the office meets all its contractual obligations
-review all invoices that the firm will send to the client
-coord. the production of const. doc's
-take part in bidding or negotiation procedures
-confirm that proper contract admin & const. observation are carried out
-help collect overdue billings
-project personnel time & fees
-track actual time & fees in comparison to budgeted figures
-track consultant costs
-sch work w/in the office
-generate invoices
-maintain documentation like meeting notes, correspondence, & transmittals
1) the overall project team typ consists of:
2) teams are formed when?
3) when submitting proposals in competitions, identity of who is req'd?
1) in a competition proposal who would need to be identified if a total fee is req'd to be included?
2) who should be identified for design-build or projects led by const. mgmt?
3) PM can also make additional decisions about specialty consultants when:
1) when selecting consultants the arch firm usually considers things like:
(* sim considerations for selecting a const. manager or contractor for design-build)
-sometimes the client may suggest or insist on who to use
1) how a PM selects the in office team depends on if it's organized w/
2) studio team assembly depends on:
1) type & complexity = some projects req. exp & expertise only a few staff have
2) project size = a few staff members can complete small projects w/ nominal exp. but large ones need more staff w/ wider range of exp. & knowledge
3) staff availability = some staff will already be committed to oth projects
1) what is the more simple & common method for scheduling a project?
*see pg 4-6
1) what is the "dependency" relationship in the Gantt chart scheduling method?
2) these bar charts are great for showing quickly which tasks should be happening at a given time &:
3) bar charts are good for what project size?
1) the other method of scheduling is:
2) what method is this more often used w/?
3) this chart graphically depicts:
*see pg 4-7
CPM chart representations:
1) ea. solid arrow reps:
2) ea. task's beginning & end pts are rep by:
3) a task cannot begin until:
4) the number under ea. arrow is:
5) dependencies are rep'd by:
CPM chart representations:
6) "dummies" are used to give ea. activity a unique:
7) heavier arrows show the:
8) noncritical tasks are unique b/c they:
9) max length of time a noncritical task can be delayed/extended before causing delay in overall project is:
1) a "work plan" is a:
2) how important is creating a work plan?
1) the work plan is also used to detail how the fee that the firm receives will be used to:
2) ^ for this reason work plans can also be called a:
1) "scope of services in the agreement" - from owner/arch agreement & states what arch is legally req'd to provide; important all members of project team understand services included & excluded from contract so if client requests additional services, the PM should request additional compensation
3) "dependencies" - work plan should identify all cases where one task cannot be started until some oth task has been completed
5) "staff needed to do the work" - the PM assigns specific members of project team to the individual tasks
6) "allocation of time & fees to phases & individual tasks" - crucial for project monitoring
1) the primary element of a work plan is the:
2) the PM begins planning the sch by 1st considering:
3) after the PM defines ea. task they est. the start & end date for both:
4) finally the PM assigns:
1) work plans must be detailed enough so
2) ex - in DD phase individual tasks may include:
3) tasks are listed in chronological order on vert. axis of a bar chart so that:
4) time needed for ea. task is listed along (__) & divided into:
1) one of the most difficult parts of the work plan process is estimating:
2) PM's need to accurately determine how much (___) based on the (___)
3) after creating the sch, the PM's next step is to assign:
1) the PM begins by estimating the total fee needed via rules of thumb like:
2) ^this approach will include fees for:
3) to determine the portion of the total fee available for direct labor:
1) fee estimates are typ based on what & calc'd how?
2) once fee for direct labor is determined, the PM allocates it to:
1) %'s of allocating fee varies in design-bid-build if:
2) %'s also differ based on:
3) (work plan ex - Fig 4.4) the "total working fee" is the fee available to:
1) a phase's % is multiplied by total working fee to find allotted fee for that phase
2) allotted fee is divided by the number of time periods in this phase w/ result notated under ea. time period
1) the PM begins by breaking the project down into individual tasks, listing the tasks in order along the left side of the chart, estimating how much time will be needed (hrs or weeks), to complete ea. one
1) the bottom-up approach is more accurate
2) both are typ used to compare the results
1) what is a "project monitoring chart" used for?
2) project mgmt software can create which types of charts & link to:
1) what is a "full wall schedule"
COORDINATION - PM's actions to take -
1) coord.'s success depends on the PM's ability to understand:
2) "communicate" - the 4 basic kinds in a design office are:
3) "always clarify the expectations of project team members" - outline the:
4) "never give responsibility to an employee who doesn't have enough authority to make decisions & carry out actions" - ex - if a task is assigned to a junior staff member a PM should:
5) "be sensitive to the manager-subordinate relationship" - recognize diff pts of view in regard to:
6) "stay calm when ppl get angry" - a good PM recognizes anger as a symptom of:
7) "commit to resolving conflicts as they occur" - ppl's natural tendency is to avoid problems but a PM should:
8) "provide ways for staff members to grow & advance" - challenge ea. person w/:
9) "give recognition when it's due" - give praise:
10) "evaluate the performance of the staff members on the project team" - b/c ppl like to know how they're doing give:
11) "open up communication among team members" - when appropriate encourage:
12) "model the behavior you want to see" - keep everyone informed of:
13) "don't shut the client out" - most want to be involved w/ their spaces & will have:
14) "direct the client's interest to areas where their contributions will be most valued" - clients who are more analytical vs a broad view means involving them:
15) "est. an enviro in which initiative is encouraged" - create an atmosphere of:
1) a "consultant" is:
2) consultants most often engaged w/ an arch firm is:
3) other needed consultants may be experts in:
1) who is responsible for coord. all consultant work?
2) the PM should understand what of consultant's work?
3) the PM should involve consultants when?
1) a struct. eng. designs:
2) for the struct portion of the project, the struct eng. produces:
3) a mech eng. designs & produces the:
1) the elec. eng. designs & produces the:
2) on large projects w/ more sophisticated security, computer, & signal systems who completes these portions instead?
3) a separate (___) may also be included
1) once the consultants are retained, the PM should next:
2) by consultants signing their dwgs, they become responsible for:
3) PM & design team are responsible for:
1) ea. consultant is also responsible for the accurate production of their:
2) b/c the arch is the main consultant they are liable to (___) for (___)
3) review & applying code req.'s should begin during:
1) during DD, prelim info like (___) used in SD should be verified sep if changes are being made to the space plan, occ. type, occ. load, bldg config
2) it's acceptable if very detailed code req.'s aren't verified/applied until later during the const. doc phase except when:
- keep a "project notebook," paper binder or digital, so the PM can have all project info at fingertips at any time - immediate access to info for planning, coordinating, monitoring the job & should contain the following info:
2) "contracts" - the owner-arch agreement, arch-consultant agreement, work authorizations
5) "budget" - overall project budget, const. budget, furnishings budget, oth special items, updates
7) "const admin" - shop dwg/sample log, minuets or notes from job conferences & site visits, bulletins, change orders, field orders, field reports, test & site observation reports, applications & certificates of payment
1) clearly stated purpose w/ prepared agenda & distribute in adv - list of items to be discussed, decided or accomplished w/ attached copy of last meeting minutes
2) don't sch a meeting unless necessary
7) if a lot is to be discussed & topics are independent, sch meeting in shifts for consultants & only req. arch & owner to be present entire time
8) a conference call is often more productive than an in-person meeting, esp b/c no one has to travel
12) organize your notes & prepare the minutes as soon after as possible
13) minutes should include: decisions, accomplishments, action items
1) documentation of all meetings should occur:
2) after distribution of meeting minutes participants can:
3) meeting notes help to improve communication & avoid:
1) to make meeting minutes it's best to use
2) meeting notes should be written to be:
3) notes should include "if there are any additional corrections, please notify office w/in five days" statement to allow:
1) in the effort to complete a job, a project team spends time working toward some est. or idealized level of quality
-early in project time spent results in rapid progress towards goal