There are _______ categories of people who can receive Zakaat.
Knowledge of matters of Zakaat is an obligation on ______________.
Every Rich Muslim
Every Poor Muslim
Every Muslim
Every Human Being
Which of the following are considered "In the way of Allah" Category?
Feeding the Poor
Umrah & Hajj
Publishing Dawah Material
Building Islamic School
Freeing a Slave
What is giving a loan to Allah?
Spending on Family and Friends
Spending for the promotion of our Deen
Spending on Parents
Spending on digging a well
Where can Zakaat Money be spent?
On Poor and Needy
To free Captives
In the way of Allah
To pay off someone's debt
On a Traveller in need
On Zakaat Collector
On those non-muslims who are inclined towards our deen
On our poor parents
For my Hajj expenses
For the vacation of a family who never travelled before