Us Lot
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Mindmap am Negligence, erstellt von Us Lot am 23/09/2015.

Us Lot
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NegligenceFORSEEABILITYSummers (John) & Sons LTD -V- Frost 1955Thompson and Others -V- Smiths Ship Repairers (North Shields) 1984Sutherland -V- Hatton and Others 2002Walker -V- Northumberland Council 1995DUTY OF CARE OWEDDUTY BREACHEDBREACH LEADS TO LOSSDUTY OF EMPLOYERSWilson and Clyde Coal Company -V- English 1938SAFE PLANT AND EQUIPMENTBradford -V- Robinson Rentals LTD 1967Davie -V- New Merton Board Mills 1959Employers Liability (Defective Equipment) Act 1969Close -V- Steel Company of Wales 1962SAFE PLACE OF WORKLatimer -V- AEC LTD 1953Corn -V- Weir Glass (Hanley) LTD 1960SAFE SYSTEMS OF WORKGeneral Cleaning Contractors LTD -V- Christmas 1952Speed -V- Swift (Thomas) & Co. LTD 1943SAFE COMPETANT EMPLOYEESHudson -V- Ridge Manufacturing Co.LTD 1957Smith -V- Crossley Bros 1968DUTY TO OTHERSDonaldson -V- Hayes Distribution Services LTD 2005Caparo -V-Dickman 1990EXTENT OF DUTYDonohue -V- Stevenson 1932Beighbour PrincipleParis -V- Stepney Borough Council 1951Vulnerable EmployeesMcWilliams -V- Sir William Arrol 1962Corn -V- Weir Glass (Hanley) LTD 1960DEFENCESCONTRIBUTORY NEGLIGENCEUddin -V- Associated Portland Cement MFRS. LTD 1965Smith -V- Baker 1891VICARIOUS LIABILITYMersey Docks & Harbour Board -V- Coggins & Griffiths (Liverpool) LTD. 1947Rose -V- Plenty 1976Lister -V- Romford Ice & Cold Storage Co. LTD 1957Doppelklick auf diesen KnotenKlicke und ziehe diese Schaltfläche, um einen neuen Knoten zu erstellen