Erstellt von rosie_howes
vor mehr als 9 Jahre
Introduction to Sociology
>Is an imagined term-difficult to measure but widely used.
>Different societies have different types of social institutions.
>Sociologists who study society & how it shapes people are called structuralists.
>We learn from society through socialisation (NUTURE)
Secondary Socialisation:
>Starts in school & continues for the rest of your life.
>SS is linked to social rules.
E.g. Daughter, mum, student.
Values: What society sees at important (attitude)
>Socialisation provides the norms/values of society.
.>Norms come from primary/secondary socialisation (They don't exist without rules)
Mores: Manners (Norms & Values)
Rules: Informal laws linked to roles
E.g. Breast feeding until age 3
Laws: Formal rules with formal punishment (general)
Culture: A way of life of a society
Cultural Diversity: Difference/variety found in societies.
Subculture: Culture within a culture.
E.g. Youth, fashion & music
Typically share norms&values but differ slightly.
High culture: Cultural products and activities which have highcultural status. E.g. Opera
Most people can't access high culture, so is it relevant to study?
Conspicious Consumption is the norm, individuals consume branded goods that are the same to try and gain social status =causes subcultures
Culture: The ideas/customs/social behaviour OR a way of life.
Underclass: People surviving on benefits. =Culture can determine your life chances.
High Culture: An advantage in the education system (Teachers are agents of the middle class)
McDonaldisation: The spread of western culture throughout the world (Caused by globalisation)
Key Words on Post Modernism.
>Cultural Diversity: More than 1 culture
>Cultural Hybridity: Merging of cultures
>Globalisation: Compression of time & space
>Fragmentation: Separated & individualistic
>Consumerism: Buying products
>Commodification: Turning all things into a profit
>Pick & Mix: Individuals choosing certain people's norms & values
>Digital Revolution: The internet
1) Post modern society started in 1980's as a consequence of the digital revolution (Creation of the internet - Society/work/migration)
3) Pick & mix makes hybridity
4) Internet is making people individualistic. Society (physical) has been replaced by a virtual.
PM's argue the characteristics of society have changed due to a digital revolution.
The 'cognitive power' :
Power to persuade
>Dominant system of knowledge in that society
> Of pre-modern society was religion (pre-determined)
>Of modern society was science
>Of post modern society is reflexivity
The individual is now the expert in society because of the internet
Surveillance Society: The Government & social institutions within society 'watch' their citizens due to their individualism & fragmentation of PM society.
It's the dominant form of social control
Grand-narrative: Any dominant forms of knowledge, any cognitive power which isn't reflexivity.
=Cognitive power of PM society is different from modern society, social variables have collapsed.