Alveolocyte 2 type participates in the blood-air barrier.
The lungs have two surfaces - diaphragmatic and mediastinal
Alveolocytes 1 type produce surfactant
Cartilago cricoidea has the form of a ring with plate.
The respiratory part of the lung is made of bronchi, alveolar ducts, alveolar sacs and alveoli.
The left main bronchus is shorter and wider than the right one
The right main bronchus is shorter and wider than the left one.
The left lung possesses three lobes - superior, inferior and middle.
The laryngeal cavity has only two parts - vestibule and infraglottic cavity
The epithelium of respiratory bronchioles is unilayered cuboid ciliated.
Cricoid cartilage of larynx is ring shaped and has its plate anteriorly.
The septal cells are macrophages.
Which of these structures is a part of the upper respiratory tract?
The largest cartilage in the larynx is the
Arytenoid cartilage
Cricoid cartilage
Corniculate cartilage
Cuneiform cartilage
Thyroid cartilage
The true vocal cords and the opening between them are called the
Vestibular folds
Which of these structures prevents the movement of swallowed materials into the larynx?
Middle nasal conchae
Both Epiglottis and Vestibular Folds
Which of these structures has no cartilage in it?
Primary bronchus
Secondary bronchus
Terminal bronchiole
Reduces surface tension of the fluid lining the alveoli.
Increases pleural pressure
Decreases alveolar pressure
Makes inspiration more difficult.
can cause a pneumothorax
Which cartilages in the larynx are paired:
Cartilago cricoidea
Cartilago arytenoidea
Cartilago thyroidea
The cells of Clara are typical for:
Large bronchi
Segmental bronchi
Terminal Bronchi
The septal cells are:
Epithelial cells
Which of the following muscles is m.vocalis?
m.crycoarytenoideus posterior
In meatus nasi inferior opens:
Sinus maxillaris
Sinus frontalis
Sinus ethmoidalis anteriores
Sinus ethmoidalis posterior
Ductus nasolacrimalis
Typical for the lung is:
Three surfaces
Three lobes in the left
aa. and vv. bronchilaes are elements of radix pulmonis (root of the lung)
both lungs have oblique fissure
Typical for the trachea is:
Three parts
Pseudo-stratified ciliated epithelium
Tracheal Glands are in tela submucosa
Carina trachealis is in the region bifurcation of trachea
Typical for the respiratory part of nasal cavity is:
Lamina epithelialis is pseudostratified ciliated epithelium
there are olfactory glands
lamina propria is reticular connective tissue
there are sinusoids in lamina propria
there are acini in laminar propria