You cut me, slice me, dice me, and all the while, you cry. What am I?
What has to be broken before you can use it?
What begins with T, finishes with T, and has T in it?
I’m a bird, a person, and a fruit. What am I?
I’m a good jumper. i love bugs. If a princess kisses me, I might turn into prince. What am I?
I’m like smoke but I’m not smoke. Wind blows me away. I’m a bit wet but not as wet as rain. What am I?
A comma has one. Also a dog. If a dog is happy, I move. What am I?
I’m flat and round and not too big. I’m made of metal. You can spend me. Sometimes I live in pockets. What am I?
You can find me between two lines of hills or mountains. Running down the middle of me you’ll usually see a river or a stream. What am I?
How many letters are there in the English alphabet?
If I add six to eleven I get five. How?
What goes up but never comes back down. what am I ?
Four legs up, four legs down, soft in the middle, hard all around. What am I?
What can’t talk but will reply when spoken to?
The more of this there is, the less you see. What is it?
What gets wet while drying?
I have branches, but no fruit, trunk or leaves. What am I?
I shave every day, but my beard stays the same. What am I?
A man who was outside in the rain without an umbrella or hat didn’t get a single hair wet. Why?
If you are running in a race and you pass the person in second place, what place are you in?
Where does today come before yesterday?
What gets bigger when more is taken away?
What is black or green when it’s clean and white when it’s dirty?
David’s parents have three sons: Snap, Crackle and ... what’s the name of the third son?
I have been around for millions of years but am only a month old. What am I?
What five-letter word becomes shorter when you add two letters to it?
Mary has four daughters, and each of her daughters has a brother — how many children does Mary have?
What room do ghosts avoid?